view doc/disas_examples/mips.eabi.disas @ 457:90b1d927912a

- suite_aggrs: make sure random memory used doesn't ever result in NaN fp values (for every possible address), as this messes with result comparison
author Tassilo Philipp
date Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:11:21 +0100
parents 06c9adae114d
children fe694c7677b4
line wrap: on
line source

; #include <stdlib.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
; {
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40
   4:   afbe0024        sw      s8,36(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)
  20:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)
  24:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)
  28:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  2c:   8fbe0024        lw      s8,36(sp)
  30:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40
  34:   03e00008        jr      ra
  38:   00000000        nop

0000003c <nonleaf_call>:
  3c:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40     ; |
  40:   afbf0024        sw      ra,36(sp)     ; |
  44:   afbe0020        sw      s8,32(sp)     ; | prolog
  48:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  4c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)      ; \
  50:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)      ; |
  54:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)      ; |
  58:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)     ; | in args 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -> temp space in local area
  60:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)     ; |
  64:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)     ; |
  68:   afcb001c        sw      t3,28(s8)     ; |
  6c:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
  70:   03a01021        move    v0,sp         ; |
  74:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
  78:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
  7c:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
  80:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
  84:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
  88:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
  8c:   8fc40004        lw      a0,4(s8)      ; |
  90:   8fc50008        lw      a1,8(s8)      ; |
  94:   8fc6000c        lw      a2,12(s8)     ; |
  98:   8fc70010        lw      a3,16(s8)     ; | arg 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 (fetched from local area stored to above)
  9c:   8fc80014        lw      t0,20(s8)     ; |       (t0 = a4)
  a0:   8fc90018        lw      t1,24(s8)     ; |       (t1 = a5)
  a4:   8fca001c        lw      t2,28(s8)     ; |       (t2 = a6)
  a8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
  ac:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
  b0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
  b4:   8fbf0024        lw      ra,36(sp)     ; |
  b8:   8fbe0020        lw      s8,32(sp)     ; |
  bc:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40      ; | epilog
  c0:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
  c4:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

000000c8 <main>:
  c8:   27bdfff8        addiu   sp,sp,-8      ; |
  cc:   afbf0004        sw      ra,4(sp)      ; |
  d0:   afbe0000        sw      s8,0(sp)      ; | prolog
  d4:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; |         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  d8:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
  dc:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
  e0:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
  e4:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
  e8:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
  ec:   24090005        li      t1,5          ; arg 5 (t1 = a5)
  f0:   240a0006        li      t2,6          ; arg 6 (t2 = a6)
  f4:   240b0007        li      t3,7          ; arg 7 (t3 = a7)
  f8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
  fc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 100:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 104:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 108:   8fbf0004        lw      ra,4(sp)      ; |
 10c:   8fbe0000        lw      s8,0(sp)      ; |
 110:   27bd0008        addiu   sp,sp,8       ; | epilog
 114:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 118:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; ------------- as above but more args to use stack params ----------->

; #include <stdlib.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j)
; {
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40
   4:   afbe0024        sw      s8,36(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)
  20:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)
  24:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)
  28:   afcb001c        sw      t3,28(s8)
  2c:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  30:   8fbe0024        lw      s8,36(sp)
  34:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40
  38:   03e00008        jr      ra
  3c:   00000000        nop

00000040 <nonleaf_call>:
  40:   27bdffd0        addiu   sp,sp,-48     ; |
  44:   afbf002c        sw      ra,44(sp)     ; |
  48:   afbe0028        sw      s8,40(sp)     ; | prolog
  4c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  50:   afc40008        sw      a0,8(s8)      ; \
  54:   afc5000c        sw      a1,12(s8)     ; |
  58:   afc60010        sw      a2,16(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc70014        sw      a3,20(s8)     ; |
  60:   afc80018        sw      t0,24(s8)     ; | in args 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -> temp space in local area
  64:   afc9001c        sw      t1,28(s8)     ; |
  68:   afca0020        sw      t2,32(s8)     ; |
  6c:   afcb0024        sw      t3,36(s8)     ; |
  70:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
  74:   27a20008        addiu   v0,sp,8       ; |
  78:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
  7c:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
  80:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
  84:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
  88:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
  8c:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
  90:   8fc20034        lw      v0,52(s8)     ; arg 8 (fetched from prev frame's param area), and ...
  94:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
  98:   8fc4000c        lw      a0,12(s8)     ; |
  9c:   8fc50010        lw      a1,16(s8)     ; |
  a0:   8fc60014        lw      a2,20(s8)     ; |
  a4:   8fc70018        lw      a3,24(s8)     ; | arg 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 (fetched from local area stored to above)
  a8:   8fc8001c        lw      t0,28(s8)     ; |       (t0 = a4)
  ac:   8fc90020        lw      t1,32(s8)     ; |       (t1 = a5)
  b0:   8fca0024        lw      t2,36(s8)     ; |       (t2 = a6)
  b4:   8fcb0030        lw      t3,48(s8)     ; |       (t3 = a7)
  b8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
  bc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
  c0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
  c4:   8fbf002c        lw      ra,44(sp)     ; |
  c8:   8fbe0028        lw      s8,40(sp)     ; |
  cc:   27bd0030        addiu   sp,sp,48      ; | epilog
  d0:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
  d4:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

000000d8 <main>:
  d8:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16     ; |
  dc:   afbf000c        sw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
  e0:   afbe0008        sw      s8,8(sp)      ; | prolog
  e4:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; |         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  e8:   24020008        li      v0,8          ; arg 8
  ec:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
  f0:   24020009        li      v0,9          ; arg 9
  f4:   afa20004        sw      v0,4(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
  f8:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
  fc:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
 100:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
 104:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
 108:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
 10c:   24090005        li      t1,5          ; arg 5 (t1 = a5)
 110:   240a0006        li      t2,6          ; arg 6 (t2 = a6)
 114:   240b0007        li      t3,7          ; arg 7 (t3 = a7)
 118:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 11c:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 120:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 124:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 128:   8fbf000c        lw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
 12c:   8fbe0008        lw      s8,8(sp)      ; |
 130:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16      ; | epilog
 134:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 138:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; ------------- with var args to see spilling ----------->

; #include <stdlib.h>
; #include <stdarg.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, ...)
; {
;     int b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
;     va_list ap;
;     va_start(ap, a);
;     b = va_arg(ap, int);
;     c = va_arg(ap, int);
;     d = va_arg(ap, int);
;     e = va_arg(ap, int);
;     f = va_arg(ap, int);
;     g = va_arg(ap, int);
;     h = va_arg(ap, int);
;     i = va_arg(ap, int);
;     j = va_arg(ap, int);
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40
   4:   afbe0024        sw      s8,36(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)
  20:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)
  24:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)
  28:   afcb001c        sw      t3,28(s8)
  2c:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  30:   8fbe0024        lw      s8,36(sp)
  34:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40
  38:   03e00008        jr      ra
  3c:   00000000        nop

00000040 <nonleaf_call>:
  40:   27bdffa0        addiu   sp,sp,-96     ; |         leaving 32b extra space adjacent to prev frame's param area for spilling
  44:   afbf003c        sw      ra,60(sp)     ; |
  48:   afbe0038        sw      s8,56(sp)     ; | prolog
  4c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  50:   afc50044        sw      a1,68(s8)     ; \
  54:   afc60048        sw      a2,72(s8)     ; |
  58:   afc7004c        sw      a3,76(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc80050        sw      t0,80(s8)     ; | in args 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -> spill area in current frame (adjacent to prev frame's param area)
  60:   afc90054        sw      t1,84(s8)     ; |
  64:   afca0058        sw      t2,88(s8)     ; |
  68:   afcb005c        sw      t3,92(s8)     ; |
  6c:   afc40030        sw      a0,48(s8)     ; in arg 0 -> temp space in local area
  70:   27c20060        addiu   v0,s8,96      ; v0 initialized to point ...
  74:   2442ffe4        addiu   v0,v0,-28     ; ... to start of spill area (96 - 28 = 68, where we spilled a1)
  78:   afc2002c        sw      v0,44(s8)     ; store read ptr in local area
  7c:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; |            get read pointer in v0 (pointless here, but part of following pattern) ...
  80:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |            ... advance ...
  84:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 1   ... store again ...
  88:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |            ... arg -> v0 (using pre-inc read location), then ...
  8c:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)      ; /            ... write to local area on stack for later
  90:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  94:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  98:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 2
  9c:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  a0:   afc2000c        sw      v0,12(s8)     ; /
  a4:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  a8:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  ac:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 3
  b0:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  b4:   afc20010        sw      v0,16(s8)     ; /
  b8:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  bc:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  c0:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 4
  c4:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  c8:   afc20014        sw      v0,20(s8)     ; /
  cc:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  d0:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  d4:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 5
  d8:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  dc:   afc20018        sw      v0,24(s8)     ; /
  e0:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  e4:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  e8:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 6
  ec:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  f0:   afc2001c        sw      v0,28(s8)     ; /
  f4:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  f8:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  fc:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 7
 100:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 104:   afc20020        sw      v0,32(s8)     ; /
 108:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
 10c:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 110:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 8
 114:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 118:   afc20024        sw      v0,36(s8)     ; /
 11c:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
 120:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 124:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 9
 128:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 12c:   afc20028        sw      v0,40(s8)     ; /
 130:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
 134:   27a20008        addiu   v0,sp,8       ; |
 138:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
 13c:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
 140:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
 144:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
 148:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
 14c:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
 150:   8fc20028        lw      v0,40(s8)     ; arg 8 (fetched from local area stored to above) and ...
 154:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 158:   8fc40008        lw      a0,8(s8)      ; |
 15c:   8fc5000c        lw      a1,12(s8)     ; |
 160:   8fc60010        lw      a2,16(s8)     ; |
 164:   8fc70014        lw      a3,20(s8)     ; | arg 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 (fetched from local area stored to above)
 168:   8fc80018        lw      t0,24(s8)     ; |       (t0 = a4)
 16c:   8fc9001c        lw      t1,28(s8)     ; |       (t1 = a5)
 170:   8fca0020        lw      t2,32(s8)     ; |       (t2 = a6)
 174:   8fcb0024        lw      t3,36(s8)     ; |       (t3 = a7)
 178:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 17c:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 180:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 184:   8fbf003c        lw      ra,60(sp)     ; |
 188:   8fbe0038        lw      s8,56(sp)     ; |
 18c:   27bd0060        addiu   sp,sp,96      ; | epilog
 190:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 194:   00000000        nop                     |       branch delay slot

00000198 <main>:
 198:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16     ; |
 19c:   afbf000c        sw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
 1a0:   afbe0008        sw      s8,8(sp)      ; | prolog
 1a4:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; |         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
 1a8:   24020008        li      v0,8          ; arg 8
 1ac:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 1b0:   24020009        li      v0,9          ; arg 9
 1b4:   afa20004        sw      v0,4(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 1b8:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
 1bc:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
 1c0:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
 1c4:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
 1c8:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
 1cc:   24090005        li      t1,5          ; arg 5 (t1 = a5)
 1d0:   240a0006        li      t2,6          ; arg 6 (t2 = a6)
 1d4:   240b0007        li      t3,7          ; arg 7 (t3 = a7)
 1d8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 1dc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 1e0:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 1e4:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 1e8:   8fbf000c        lw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
 1ec:   8fbe0008        lw      s8,8(sp)      ; |
 1f0:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16      ; | epilog
 1f4:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 1f8:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; ------------- var args with ints and floats to see spilling (which remains only a?-a7 regs), b/c doubles are passed via them and floats are promoted to doubles in (...) ----------->

; #include <stdlib.h>
; #include <stdarg.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, float f, float g, int h, int i, float j)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, ...)
; {
;     int b, c, d, e, h, i;
;     float f, g, j;
;     va_list ap;
;     va_start(ap, a);
;     b = va_arg(ap, int);
;     c = va_arg(ap, int);
;     d = va_arg(ap, int);
;     e = va_arg(ap, int);
;     f = (float)va_arg(ap, double);
;     g = (float)va_arg(ap, double);
;     h = va_arg(ap, int);
;     i = va_arg(ap, int);
;     j = (float)va_arg(ap, double);
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.f, 6.f, 7, 8, 9.f);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd0        addiu   sp,sp,-48
   4:   afbe002c        sw      s8,44(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   e7cc0010        swc1    $f12,16(s8)
  20:   e7cd0014        swc1    $f13,20(s8)
  24:   afc80018        sw      t0,24(s8)
  28:   afc9001c        sw      t1,28(s8)
  2c:   e7ce0020        swc1    $f14,32(s8)
  30:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  34:   8fbe002c        lw      s8,44(sp)
  38:   27bd0030        addiu   sp,sp,48
  3c:   03e00008        jr      ra
  40:   00000000        nop

00000044 <nonleaf_call>:
  44:   27bdffa8        addiu   sp,sp,-88     ; |         leaving 32b extra space adjacent to prev frame's param area for spilling
  48:   afbf0034        sw      ra,52(sp)     ; |
  4c:   afbe0030        sw      s8,48(sp)     ; | prolog
  50:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  54:   afc5003c        sw      a1,60(s8)     ; \
  58:   afc60040        sw      a2,64(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc70044        sw      a3,68(s8)     ; |
  60:   afc80048        sw      t0,72(s8)     ; | in args 1,2,3,4,5 (spread out over 7 param regs) -> spill area in current frame (adjacent to prev frame's param area)
  64:   afc9004c        sw      t1,76(s8)     ; |            this one is just padding
  68:   afca0050        sw      t2,80(s8)     ; |            |
  6c:   afcb0054        sw      t3,84(s8)     ; |            | this is arg 5, passed as a double, spilled like integers
  70:   afc40028        sw      a0,40(s8)     ; in arg 0 -> temp space in local area
  74:   27c20058        addiu   v0,s8,88      ; v0 initialized to point ...
  78:   2442ffe4        addiu   v0,v0,-28     ; ... to start of spill area (88 - 28 = 60, where we spilled a1)
  7c:   afc20024        sw      v0,36(s8)     ; store read ptr in local area
  80:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; |            get read pointer in v0 (pointless here, but part of following pattern) ...
  84:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |            ... advance ...
  88:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 1   ... store again ...
  8c:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |            ... arg -> v0 (using pre-inc read location), then ...
  90:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)      ; /            ... write to local area on stack for later
  94:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
  98:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  9c:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 2
  a0:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  a4:   afc20004        sw      v0,4(s8)      ; /
  a8:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
  ac:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  b0:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 3
  b4:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  b8:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)      ; /
  bc:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
  c0:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  c4:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 4
  c8:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  cc:   afc2000c        sw      v0,12(s8)     ; /
  d0:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \            get read ptr in v0
  d4:   24430007        addiu   v1,v0,7       ; |            |
  d8:   2402fff8        li      v0,-8         ; |            | align
  dc:   00621024        and     v0,v1,v0      ; |            |
  e0:   24430008        addiu   v1,v0,8       ; |            advance read ptr to point to double
  e4:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; |            restore read ptr
  e8:   8c430004        lw      v1,4(v0)      ; | in arg 5   |
  ec:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |            | load both parts of double ...
  f0:   00402021        move    a0,v0         ; |            | ... and store in a{0,1} pair (used to pass doubles, used in next call)
  f4:   00602821        move    a1,v1         ; |            /
  f8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; |            \ call to cast double to float, returned in f0
  fc:   00000000        nop                   ; |            | NOTE: not a call to leaf_call() (objdump done from .o file, not finally linked executable)
 100:   e7c00010        swc1    $f0,16(s8)    ; /            write float to local area on stack for later
 104:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 108:   24430007        addiu   v1,v0,7       ; |
 10c:   2402fff8        li      v0,-8         ; |
 110:   00621024        and     v0,v1,v0      ; |
 114:   24430008        addiu   v1,v0,8       ; |
 118:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; |
 11c:   8c430004        lw      v1,4(v0)      ; | in arg 6
 120:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 124:   00402021        move    a0,v0         ; |
 128:   00602821        move    a1,v1         ; |
 12c:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; |
 130:   00000000        nop                   ; |
 134:   e7c00014        swc1    $f0,20(s8)    ; /
 138:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 13c:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 140:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 7
 144:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 148:   afc20018        sw      v0,24(s8)     ; /
 14c:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 150:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 154:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 8
 158:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 15c:   afc2001c        sw      v0,28(s8)     ; /
 160:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 164:   24430007        addiu   v1,v0,7       ; |
 168:   2402fff8        li      v0,-8         ; |
 16c:   00621024        and     v0,v1,v0      ; |
 170:   24430008        addiu   v1,v0,8       ; |
 174:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; |
 178:   8c430004        lw      v1,4(v0)      ; | in arg 9
 17c:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 180:   00402021        move    a0,v0         ; |
 184:   00602821        move    a1,v1         ; |
 188:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; |
 18c:   00000000        nop                   ; |
 190:   e7c00020        swc1    $f0,32(s8)    ; /
 194:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
 198:   03a01021        move    v0,sp         ; |
 19c:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
 1a0:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
 1a4:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
 1a8:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
 1ac:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
 1b0:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
 1b4:   8fc40000        lw      a0,0(s8)      ; |
 1b8:   8fc50004        lw      a1,4(s8)      ; |
 1bc:   8fc60008        lw      a2,8(s8)      ; | arg 0,1,2,3 (int args, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1c0:   8fc7000c        lw      a3,12(s8)     ; |
 1c4:   c7cc0010        lwc1    $f12,16(s8)   ; arg 4 (float, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1c8:   c7cd0014        lwc1    $f13,20(s8)   ; arg 5 (float, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1cc:   8fc80018        lw      t0,24(s8)     ; arg 6 (int, fetched from local area stored to above, t0 = a4)
 1d0:   8fc9001c        lw      t1,28(s8)     ; arg 7 (int, fetched from local area stored to above, t1 = a5)
 1d4:   c7ce0020        lwc1    $f14,32(s8)   ; arg 9 (float, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1d8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 1dc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 1e0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 1e4:   8fbf0034        lw      ra,52(sp)     ; |
 1e8:   8fbe0030        lw      s8,48(sp)     ; |
 1ec:   27bd0058        addiu   sp,sp,88      ; | epilog
 1f0:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 1f4:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

000001f8 <main>:
 1f8:   27bdffe0        addiu   sp,sp,-32     ; |
 1fc:   afbf001c        sw      ra,28(sp)     ; |
 200:   afbe0018        sw      s8,24(sp)     ; | prolog
 204:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
 208:   8f8a0000        lw      t2,0(gp)      ; \
 20c:   8f8b0004        lw      t3,4(gp)      ; / arg 5 (t1,t2 = a4,a5), as double b/c of vararg, effectively skipping t1 (=a5)
 210:   8f820008        lw      v0,8(gp)      ; \
 214:   8f83000c        lw      v1,12(gp)     ; | arg 6, as double b/c of vararg, via v0 and v1 ...
 218:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; |
 21c:   afa30004        sw      v1,4(sp)      ; | ... "pushed" onto stack
 220:   24020007        li      v0,7          ; arg 7
 224:   afa20008        sw      v0,8(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 228:   24020008        li      v0,8          ; arg 8
 22c:   afa2000c        sw      v0,12(sp)     ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 230:   8f820010        lw      v0,16(gp)     ; |
 234:   8f830014        lw      v1,20(gp)     ; | arg 9, as double b/c of vararg ...
 238:   afa20010        sw      v0,16(sp)     ; |
 23c:   afa30014        sw      v1,20(sp)     ; | ... "pushed" onto stack
 240:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
 244:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
 248:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
 24c:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
 250:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
 254:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 258:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 25c:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 260:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 264:   8fbf001c        lw      ra,28(sp)     ; |
 268:   8fbe0018        lw      s8,24(sp)     ; |
 26c:   27bd0020        addiu   sp,sp,32      ; | epilog
 270:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 274:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; --------------------- further notes ------------------->

; when passing less arguments than stack params, involving an ellipsis, spill area still spills all registers,
; excluding named ones, e.g.:
; void c(int a, ...) { ... }
; c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
; contains as spilling code same as above:

  84:   afc5002c        sw      a1,44(s8)
  88:   afc60030        sw      a2,48(s8)
  8c:   afc70034        sw      a3,52(s8)
  90:   afc80038        sw      t0,56(s8)
  94:   afc9003c        sw      t1,60(s8)
  98:   afca0040        sw      t2,64(s8)
  9c:   afcb0044        sw      t3,68(s8)

; vim: ft=asm