view doc/disas_examples/mips.eabi.disas @ 617:6a34dcb2bbd7

- test/syscalls: build fix for minix
author Tassilo Philipp
date Sun, 02 Oct 2022 16:45:06 +0200
parents fe694c7677b4
line wrap: on
line source

; #include <stdlib.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
; {
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40
   4:   afbe0024        sw      s8,36(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)
  20:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)
  24:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)
  28:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  2c:   8fbe0024        lw      s8,36(sp)
  30:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40
  34:   03e00008        jr      ra
  38:   00000000        nop

0000003c <nonleaf_call>:
  3c:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40     ; |
  40:   afbf0024        sw      ra,36(sp)     ; |
  44:   afbe0020        sw      s8,32(sp)     ; | prolog
  48:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  4c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)      ; \
  50:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)      ; |
  54:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)      ; |
  58:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)     ; | in args 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -> temp space in local area
  60:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)     ; |
  64:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)     ; |
  68:   afcb001c        sw      t3,28(s8)     ; |
  6c:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
  70:   03a01021        move    v0,sp         ; |
  74:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
  78:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
  7c:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
  80:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
  84:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
  88:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
  8c:   8fc40004        lw      a0,4(s8)      ; |
  90:   8fc50008        lw      a1,8(s8)      ; |
  94:   8fc6000c        lw      a2,12(s8)     ; |
  98:   8fc70010        lw      a3,16(s8)     ; | arg 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 (fetched from local area stored to above)
  9c:   8fc80014        lw      t0,20(s8)     ; |       (t0 = a4)
  a0:   8fc90018        lw      t1,24(s8)     ; |       (t1 = a5)
  a4:   8fca001c        lw      t2,28(s8)     ; |       (t2 = a6)
  a8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
  ac:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
  b0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
  b4:   8fbf0024        lw      ra,36(sp)     ; |
  b8:   8fbe0020        lw      s8,32(sp)     ; |
  bc:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40      ; | epilog
  c0:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
  c4:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

000000c8 <main>:
  c8:   27bdfff8        addiu   sp,sp,-8      ; |
  cc:   afbf0004        sw      ra,4(sp)      ; |
  d0:   afbe0000        sw      s8,0(sp)      ; | prolog
  d4:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; |         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  d8:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
  dc:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
  e0:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
  e4:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
  e8:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
  ec:   24090005        li      t1,5          ; arg 5 (t1 = a5)
  f0:   240a0006        li      t2,6          ; arg 6 (t2 = a6)
  f4:   240b0007        li      t3,7          ; arg 7 (t3 = a7)
  f8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
  fc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 100:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 104:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 108:   8fbf0004        lw      ra,4(sp)      ; |
 10c:   8fbe0000        lw      s8,0(sp)      ; |
 110:   27bd0008        addiu   sp,sp,8       ; | epilog
 114:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 118:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; ------------- as above but more args to use stack params ----------->

; #include <stdlib.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j)
; {
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40
   4:   afbe0024        sw      s8,36(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)
  20:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)
  24:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)
  28:   afcb001c        sw      t3,28(s8)
  2c:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  30:   8fbe0024        lw      s8,36(sp)
  34:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40
  38:   03e00008        jr      ra
  3c:   00000000        nop

00000040 <nonleaf_call>:
  40:   27bdffd0        addiu   sp,sp,-48     ; |
  44:   afbf002c        sw      ra,44(sp)     ; |
  48:   afbe0028        sw      s8,40(sp)     ; | prolog
  4c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  50:   afc40008        sw      a0,8(s8)      ; \
  54:   afc5000c        sw      a1,12(s8)     ; |
  58:   afc60010        sw      a2,16(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc70014        sw      a3,20(s8)     ; |
  60:   afc80018        sw      t0,24(s8)     ; | in args 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -> temp space in local area
  64:   afc9001c        sw      t1,28(s8)     ; |
  68:   afca0020        sw      t2,32(s8)     ; |
  6c:   afcb0024        sw      t3,36(s8)     ; |
  70:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
  74:   27a20008        addiu   v0,sp,8       ; |
  78:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
  7c:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
  80:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
  84:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
  88:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
  8c:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
  90:   8fc20034        lw      v0,52(s8)     ; arg 8 (fetched from prev frame's param area), and ...
  94:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
  98:   8fc4000c        lw      a0,12(s8)     ; |
  9c:   8fc50010        lw      a1,16(s8)     ; |
  a0:   8fc60014        lw      a2,20(s8)     ; |
  a4:   8fc70018        lw      a3,24(s8)     ; | arg 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 (fetched from local area stored to above)
  a8:   8fc8001c        lw      t0,28(s8)     ; |       (t0 = a4)
  ac:   8fc90020        lw      t1,32(s8)     ; |       (t1 = a5)
  b0:   8fca0024        lw      t2,36(s8)     ; |       (t2 = a6)
  b4:   8fcb0030        lw      t3,48(s8)     ; |       (t3 = a7)
  b8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
  bc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
  c0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
  c4:   8fbf002c        lw      ra,44(sp)     ; |
  c8:   8fbe0028        lw      s8,40(sp)     ; |
  cc:   27bd0030        addiu   sp,sp,48      ; | epilog
  d0:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
  d4:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

000000d8 <main>:
  d8:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16     ; |
  dc:   afbf000c        sw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
  e0:   afbe0008        sw      s8,8(sp)      ; | prolog
  e4:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; |         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  e8:   24020008        li      v0,8          ; arg 8
  ec:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
  f0:   24020009        li      v0,9          ; arg 9
  f4:   afa20004        sw      v0,4(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
  f8:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
  fc:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
 100:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
 104:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
 108:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
 10c:   24090005        li      t1,5          ; arg 5 (t1 = a5)
 110:   240a0006        li      t2,6          ; arg 6 (t2 = a6)
 114:   240b0007        li      t3,7          ; arg 7 (t3 = a7)
 118:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 11c:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 120:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 124:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 128:   8fbf000c        lw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
 12c:   8fbe0008        lw      s8,8(sp)      ; |
 130:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16      ; | epilog
 134:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 138:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; ------------- with var args to see spilling ----------->

; #include <stdlib.h>
; #include <stdarg.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, ...)
; {
;     int b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
;     va_list ap;
;     va_start(ap, a);
;     b = va_arg(ap, int);
;     c = va_arg(ap, int);
;     d = va_arg(ap, int);
;     e = va_arg(ap, int);
;     f = va_arg(ap, int);
;     g = va_arg(ap, int);
;     h = va_arg(ap, int);
;     i = va_arg(ap, int);
;     j = va_arg(ap, int);
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40
   4:   afbe0024        sw      s8,36(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   afc80010        sw      t0,16(s8)
  20:   afc90014        sw      t1,20(s8)
  24:   afca0018        sw      t2,24(s8)
  28:   afcb001c        sw      t3,28(s8)
  2c:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  30:   8fbe0024        lw      s8,36(sp)
  34:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40
  38:   03e00008        jr      ra
  3c:   00000000        nop

00000040 <nonleaf_call>:
  40:   27bdffa0        addiu   sp,sp,-96     ; |         leaving 32b extra space adjacent to prev frame's param area for spilling
  44:   afbf003c        sw      ra,60(sp)     ; |
  48:   afbe0038        sw      s8,56(sp)     ; | prolog
  4c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  50:   afc50044        sw      a1,68(s8)     ; \
  54:   afc60048        sw      a2,72(s8)     ; |
  58:   afc7004c        sw      a3,76(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc80050        sw      t0,80(s8)     ; | in args 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -> spill area in current frame (adjacent to prev frame's param area)
  60:   afc90054        sw      t1,84(s8)     ; |
  64:   afca0058        sw      t2,88(s8)     ; |
  68:   afcb005c        sw      t3,92(s8)     ; |
  6c:   afc40030        sw      a0,48(s8)     ; in arg 0 -> temp space in local area
  70:   27c20060        addiu   v0,s8,96      ; v0 initialized to point ...
  74:   2442ffe4        addiu   v0,v0,-28     ; ... to start of spill area (96 - 28 = 68, where we spilled a1)
  78:   afc2002c        sw      v0,44(s8)     ; store read ptr in local area
  7c:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; |            get read pointer in v0 (pointless here, but part of following pattern) ...
  80:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |            ... advance ...
  84:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 1   ... store again ...
  88:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |            ... arg -> v0 (using pre-inc read location), then ...
  8c:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)      ; /            ... write to local area on stack for later
  90:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  94:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  98:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 2
  9c:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  a0:   afc2000c        sw      v0,12(s8)     ; /
  a4:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  a8:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  ac:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 3
  b0:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  b4:   afc20010        sw      v0,16(s8)     ; /
  b8:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  bc:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  c0:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 4
  c4:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  c8:   afc20014        sw      v0,20(s8)     ; /
  cc:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  d0:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  d4:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 5
  d8:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  dc:   afc20018        sw      v0,24(s8)     ; /
  e0:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  e4:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  e8:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 6
  ec:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  f0:   afc2001c        sw      v0,28(s8)     ; /
  f4:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
  f8:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  fc:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 7
 100:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 104:   afc20020        sw      v0,32(s8)     ; /
 108:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
 10c:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 110:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 8
 114:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 118:   afc20024        sw      v0,36(s8)     ; /
 11c:   8fc2002c        lw      v0,44(s8)     ; \
 120:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 124:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)     ; | in arg 9
 128:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 12c:   afc20028        sw      v0,40(s8)     ; /
 130:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
 134:   27a20008        addiu   v0,sp,8       ; |
 138:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
 13c:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
 140:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
 144:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
 148:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
 14c:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
 150:   8fc20028        lw      v0,40(s8)     ; arg 8 (fetched from local area stored to above) and ...
 154:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 158:   8fc40008        lw      a0,8(s8)      ; |
 15c:   8fc5000c        lw      a1,12(s8)     ; |
 160:   8fc60010        lw      a2,16(s8)     ; |
 164:   8fc70014        lw      a3,20(s8)     ; | arg 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 (fetched from local area stored to above)
 168:   8fc80018        lw      t0,24(s8)     ; |       (t0 = a4)
 16c:   8fc9001c        lw      t1,28(s8)     ; |       (t1 = a5)
 170:   8fca0020        lw      t2,32(s8)     ; |       (t2 = a6)
 174:   8fcb0024        lw      t3,36(s8)     ; |       (t3 = a7)
 178:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 17c:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 180:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 184:   8fbf003c        lw      ra,60(sp)     ; |
 188:   8fbe0038        lw      s8,56(sp)     ; |
 18c:   27bd0060        addiu   sp,sp,96      ; | epilog
 190:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 194:   00000000        nop                     |       branch delay slot

00000198 <main>:
 198:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16     ; |
 19c:   afbf000c        sw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
 1a0:   afbe0008        sw      s8,8(sp)      ; | prolog
 1a4:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; |         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
 1a8:   24020008        li      v0,8          ; arg 8
 1ac:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 1b0:   24020009        li      v0,9          ; arg 9
 1b4:   afa20004        sw      v0,4(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 1b8:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
 1bc:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
 1c0:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
 1c4:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
 1c8:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
 1cc:   24090005        li      t1,5          ; arg 5 (t1 = a5)
 1d0:   240a0006        li      t2,6          ; arg 6 (t2 = a6)
 1d4:   240b0007        li      t3,7          ; arg 7 (t3 = a7)
 1d8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 1dc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 1e0:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 1e4:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 1e8:   8fbf000c        lw      ra,12(sp)     ; |
 1ec:   8fbe0008        lw      s8,8(sp)      ; |
 1f0:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16      ; | epilog
 1f4:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 1f8:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; ------------- var args with ints and floats to see spilling (which remains only a?-a7 regs), b/c doubles are passed via them and floats are promoted to doubles in (...) ----------->

; #include <stdlib.h>
; #include <stdarg.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, float f, float g, int h, int i, float j)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, ...)
; {
;     int b, c, d, e, h, i;
;     float f, g, j;
;     va_list ap;
;     va_start(ap, a);
;     b = va_arg(ap, int);
;     c = va_arg(ap, int);
;     d = va_arg(ap, int);
;     e = va_arg(ap, int);
;     f = (float)va_arg(ap, double);
;     g = (float)va_arg(ap, double);
;     h = va_arg(ap, int);
;     i = va_arg(ap, int);
;     j = (float)va_arg(ap, double);
;     /* use some local data */
;     *(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.f, 6.f, 7, 8, 9.f);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd0        addiu   sp,sp,-48
   4:   afbe002c        sw      s8,44(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   afc50004        sw      a1,4(s8)
  14:   afc60008        sw      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   e7cc0010        swc1    $f12,16(s8)
  20:   e7cd0014        swc1    $f13,20(s8)
  24:   afc80018        sw      t0,24(s8)
  28:   afc9001c        sw      t1,28(s8)
  2c:   e7ce0020        swc1    $f14,32(s8)
  30:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  34:   8fbe002c        lw      s8,44(sp)
  38:   27bd0030        addiu   sp,sp,48
  3c:   03e00008        jr      ra
  40:   00000000        nop

00000044 <nonleaf_call>:
  44:   27bdffa8        addiu   sp,sp,-88     ; |         leaving 32b extra space adjacent to prev frame's param area for spilling
  48:   afbf0034        sw      ra,52(sp)     ; |
  4c:   afbe0030        sw      s8,48(sp)     ; | prolog
  50:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
  54:   afc5003c        sw      a1,60(s8)     ; \
  58:   afc60040        sw      a2,64(s8)     ; |
  5c:   afc70044        sw      a3,68(s8)     ; |
  60:   afc80048        sw      t0,72(s8)     ; | in args 1,2,3,4,5 (spread out over 7 param regs) -> spill area in current frame (adjacent to prev frame's param area)
  64:   afc9004c        sw      t1,76(s8)     ; |            this one is just padding
  68:   afca0050        sw      t2,80(s8)     ; |            |
  6c:   afcb0054        sw      t3,84(s8)     ; |            | this is arg 5, passed as a double, spilled like integers
  70:   afc40028        sw      a0,40(s8)     ; in arg 0 -> temp space in local area
  74:   27c20058        addiu   v0,s8,88      ; v0 initialized to point ...
  78:   2442ffe4        addiu   v0,v0,-28     ; ... to start of spill area (88 - 28 = 60, where we spilled a1)
  7c:   afc20024        sw      v0,36(s8)     ; store read ptr in local area
  80:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; |            get read pointer in v0 (pointless here, but part of following pattern) ...
  84:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |            ... advance ...
  88:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 1   ... store again ...
  8c:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |            ... arg -> v0 (using pre-inc read location), then ...
  90:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)      ; /            ... write to local area on stack for later
  94:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
  98:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  9c:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 2
  a0:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  a4:   afc20004        sw      v0,4(s8)      ; /
  a8:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
  ac:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  b0:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 3
  b4:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  b8:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)      ; /
  bc:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
  c0:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
  c4:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 4
  c8:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
  cc:   afc2000c        sw      v0,12(s8)     ; /
  d0:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \            get read ptr in v0
  d4:   24430007        addiu   v1,v0,7       ; |            |
  d8:   2402fff8        li      v0,-8         ; |            | align
  dc:   00621024        and     v0,v1,v0      ; |            |
  e0:   24430008        addiu   v1,v0,8       ; |            advance read ptr to point to double
  e4:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; |            restore read ptr
  e8:   8c430004        lw      v1,4(v0)      ; | in arg 5   |
  ec:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |            | load both parts of double ...
  f0:   00402021        move    a0,v0         ; |            | ... and store in a{0,1} pair (used to pass doubles, used in next call)
  f4:   00602821        move    a1,v1         ; |            /
  f8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; |            \ call to cast double to float, returned in f0
  fc:   00000000        nop                   ; |            | NOTE: not a call to leaf_call() (objdump done from .o file, not finally linked executable)
 100:   e7c00010        swc1    $f0,16(s8)    ; /            write float to local area on stack for later
 104:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 108:   24430007        addiu   v1,v0,7       ; |
 10c:   2402fff8        li      v0,-8         ; |
 110:   00621024        and     v0,v1,v0      ; |
 114:   24430008        addiu   v1,v0,8       ; |
 118:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; |
 11c:   8c430004        lw      v1,4(v0)      ; | in arg 6
 120:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 124:   00402021        move    a0,v0         ; |
 128:   00602821        move    a1,v1         ; |
 12c:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; |
 130:   00000000        nop                   ; |
 134:   e7c00014        swc1    $f0,20(s8)    ; /
 138:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 13c:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 140:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 7
 144:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 148:   afc20018        sw      v0,24(s8)     ; /
 14c:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 150:   24430004        addiu   v1,v0,4       ; |
 154:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; | in arg 8
 158:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 15c:   afc2001c        sw      v0,28(s8)     ; /
 160:   8fc20024        lw      v0,36(s8)     ; \
 164:   24430007        addiu   v1,v0,7       ; |
 168:   2402fff8        li      v0,-8         ; |
 16c:   00621024        and     v0,v1,v0      ; |
 170:   24430008        addiu   v1,v0,8       ; |
 174:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)     ; |
 178:   8c430004        lw      v1,4(v0)      ; | in arg 9
 17c:   8c420000        lw      v0,0(v0)      ; |
 180:   00402021        move    a0,v0         ; |
 184:   00602821        move    a1,v1         ; |
 188:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; |
 18c:   00000000        nop                   ; |
 190:   e7c00020        swc1    $f0,32(s8)    ; /
 194:   27bdff18        addiu   sp,sp,-232    ; alloca(220) - with padding to guarantee alignment
 198:   03a01021        move    v0,sp         ; |
 19c:   24420007        addiu   v0,v0,7       ; |
 1a0:   000210c2        srl     v0,v0,0x3     ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> v1, by ...
 1a4:   000210c0        sll     v0,v0,0x3     ; | ... using v0 as helper to align to 8b
 1a8:   00401821        move    v1,v0         ; |
 1ac:   2402004c        li      v0,76         ; 'L' -> v0, and...
 1b0:   a0620000        sb      v0,0(v1)      ; ... store in local area (of alloca()'d space)
 1b4:   8fc40000        lw      a0,0(s8)      ; |
 1b8:   8fc50004        lw      a1,4(s8)      ; |
 1bc:   8fc60008        lw      a2,8(s8)      ; | arg 0,1,2,3 (int args, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1c0:   8fc7000c        lw      a3,12(s8)     ; |
 1c4:   c7cc0010        lwc1    $f12,16(s8)   ; arg 4 (float, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1c8:   c7cd0014        lwc1    $f13,20(s8)   ; arg 5 (float, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1cc:   8fc80018        lw      t0,24(s8)     ; arg 6 (int, fetched from local area stored to above, t0 = a4)
 1d0:   8fc9001c        lw      t1,28(s8)     ; arg 7 (int, fetched from local area stored to above, t1 = a5)
 1d4:   c7ce0020        lwc1    $f14,32(s8)   ; arg 9 (float, fetched from local area stored to above)
 1d8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 1dc:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 1e0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 1e4:   8fbf0034        lw      ra,52(sp)     ; |
 1e8:   8fbe0030        lw      s8,48(sp)     ; |
 1ec:   27bd0058        addiu   sp,sp,88      ; | epilog
 1f0:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 1f4:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

000001f8 <main>:
 1f8:   27bdffe0        addiu   sp,sp,-32     ; |
 1fc:   afbf001c        sw      ra,28(sp)     ; |
 200:   afbe0018        sw      s8,24(sp)     ; | prolog
 204:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp         ; /         frame pointer (note: with offset to frame start, but static compared to sp)
 208:   8f8a0000        lw      t2,0(gp)      ; \
 20c:   8f8b0004        lw      t3,4(gp)      ; / arg 5 (t1,t2 = a4,a5), as double b/c of vararg, effectively skipping t1 (=a5)
 210:   8f820008        lw      v0,8(gp)      ; \
 214:   8f83000c        lw      v1,12(gp)     ; | arg 6, as double b/c of vararg, via v0 and v1 ...
 218:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)      ; |
 21c:   afa30004        sw      v1,4(sp)      ; | ... "pushed" onto stack
 220:   24020007        li      v0,7          ; arg 7
 224:   afa20008        sw      v0,8(sp)      ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 228:   24020008        li      v0,8          ; arg 8
 22c:   afa2000c        sw      v0,12(sp)     ; ... "pushed" onto stack
 230:   8f820010        lw      v0,16(gp)     ; |
 234:   8f830014        lw      v1,20(gp)     ; | arg 9, as double b/c of vararg ...
 238:   afa20010        sw      v0,16(sp)     ; |
 23c:   afa30014        sw      v1,20(sp)     ; | ... "pushed" onto stack
 240:   00002021        move    a0,zero       ; arg 0
 244:   24050001        li      a1,1          ; arg 1
 248:   24060002        li      a2,2          ; arg 2
 24c:   24070003        li      a3,3          ; arg 3
 250:   24080004        li      t0,4          ; arg 4 (t0 = a4)
 254:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call> ; call and ret addr -> ra
 258:   00000000        nop                   ; branch delay slot
 25c:   00001021        move    v0,zero       ; return value
 260:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8         ; |
 264:   8fbf001c        lw      ra,28(sp)     ; |
 268:   8fbe0018        lw      s8,24(sp)     ; |
 26c:   27bd0020        addiu   sp,sp,32      ; | epilog
 270:   03e00008        jr      ra            ; |
 274:   00000000        nop                   ; |       branch delay slot

; --------------------- further notes ------------------->

; when passing less arguments than stack params, involving an ellipsis, spill area still spills all registers,
; excluding named ones, e.g.:
; void c(int a, ...) { ... }
; c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
; contains as spilling code same as above:

  84:   afc5002c        sw      a1,44(s8)
  88:   afc60030        sw      a2,48(s8)
  8c:   afc70034        sw      a3,52(s8)
  90:   afc80038        sw      t0,56(s8)
  94:   afc9003c        sw      t1,60(s8)
  98:   afca0040        sw      t2,64(s8)
  9c:   afcb0044        sw      t3,68(s8)

; ---------- structs by value ---------->
; struct A { int i, j; long long l; };
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, struct A f, int g, int h)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, struct A f, int g, int h)
; {
;     /* use some local data */
;     char l[100] ={ 'L'};
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, (struct A){5, 6, 7ll}, 8, 9);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd0        addiu   sp,sp,-48
   4:   afbe002c        sw      s8,44(sp)
   8:   afb00028        sw      s0,40(sp)
   c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  10:   afc40010        sw      a0,16(s8)
  14:   afc50014        sw      a1,20(s8)
  18:   afc60018        sw      a2,24(s8)
  1c:   afc7001c        sw      a3,28(s8)
  20:   01008021        move    s0,t0
  24:   afc90020        sw      t1,32(s8)
  28:   afca0024        sw      t2,36(s8)
  2c:   8e050000        lw      a1,0(s0)
  30:   8e040004        lw      a0,4(s0)
  34:   8e030008        lw      v1,8(s0)
  38:   8e02000c        lw      v0,12(s0)
  3c:   afc50000        sw      a1,0(s8)
  40:   afc40004        sw      a0,4(s8)
  44:   afc30008        sw      v1,8(s8)
  48:   afc2000c        sw      v0,12(s8)
  4c:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  50:   8fbe002c        lw      s8,44(sp)
  54:   8fb00028        lw      s0,40(sp)
  58:   27bd0030        addiu   sp,sp,48
  5c:   03e00008        jr      ra
  60:   00000000        nop

00000064 <nonleaf_call>:
  64:   27bdff58        addiu   sp,sp,-168
  68:   afbf00a4        sw      ra,164(sp)
  6c:   afbe00a0        sw      s8,160(sp)
  70:   afb0009c        sw      s0,156(sp)
  74:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  78:   afc40078        sw      a0,120(s8)
  7c:   afc5007c        sw      a1,124(s8)
  80:   afc60080        sw      a2,128(s8)
  84:   afc70084        sw      a3,132(s8)
  88:   afc80088        sw      t0,136(s8)
  8c:   01208021        move    s0,t1
  90:   afca008c        sw      t2,140(s8)
  94:   afcb0090        sw      t3,144(s8)
  98:   8e050000        lw      a1,0(s0)
  9c:   8e040004        lw      a0,4(s0)
  a0:   8e030008        lw      v1,8(s0)
  a4:   8e02000c        lw      v0,12(s0)
  a8:   afc50000        sw      a1,0(s8)
  ac:   afc40004        sw      a0,4(s8)
  b0:   afc30008        sw      v1,8(s8)
  b4:   afc2000c        sw      v0,12(s8)
  b8:   27c30010        addiu   v1,s8,16
  bc:   24020064        li      v0,100
  c0:   00602021        move    a0,v1
  c4:   00002821        move    a1,zero
  c8:   00403021        move    a2,v0
  cc:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
  d0:   00000000        nop
  d4:   2402004c        li      v0,76
  d8:   a3c20010        sb      v0,16(s8)
  dc:   8fc4007c        lw      a0,124(s8)
  e0:   8fc50080        lw      a1,128(s8)
  e4:   8fc60084        lw      a2,132(s8)
  e8:   8fc70088        lw      a3,136(s8)
  ec:   03c04021        move    t0,s8
  f0:   8fc9008c        lw      t1,140(s8)
  f4:   8fca0090        lw      t2,144(s8)
  f8:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
  fc:   00000000        nop
 100:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
 104:   8fbf00a4        lw      ra,164(sp)
 108:   8fbe00a0        lw      s8,160(sp)
 10c:   8fb0009c        lw      s0,156(sp)
 110:   27bd00a8        addiu   sp,sp,168
 114:   03e00008        jr      ra
 118:   00000000        nop

0000011c <main>:
 11c:   27bdffe8        addiu   sp,sp,-24
 120:   afbf0014        sw      ra,20(sp)
 124:   afbe0010        sw      s8,16(sp)
 128:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
 12c:   24020005        li      v0,5
 130:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)
 134:   24020006        li      v0,6
 138:   afc20004        sw      v0,4(s8)
 13c:   24020007        li      v0,7
 140:   00001821        move    v1,zero
 144:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)
 148:   afc3000c        sw      v1,12(s8)
 14c:   00002021        move    a0,zero
 150:   24050001        li      a1,1
 154:   24060002        li      a2,2
 158:   24070003        li      a3,3
 15c:   24080004        li      t0,4
 160:   03c04821        move    t1,s8
 164:   240a0008        li      t2,8
 168:   240b0009        li      t3,9
 16c:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
 170:   00000000        nop
 174:   00001021        move    v0,zero
 178:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
 17c:   8fbf0014        lw      ra,20(sp)
 180:   8fbe0010        lw      s8,16(sp)
 184:   27bd0018        addiu   sp,sp,24
 188:   03e00008        jr      ra
 18c:   00000000        nop

; ---------- structs by value, complex example (multiple structs) ---------->
; struct A { int i, j; float f; };
; struct B { double d; long long l; };
; void leaf_call(int b, struct A c, struct B d, int e, int f, struct A g, struct B h, int i, int j)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, int b, struct A c, struct B d, int e, int f, struct A g, struct B h, int i, int j)
; {
;     /* use some local data */
;     char l[100] ={ 'L'};
;     leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
; }
; int main()
; {
;     nonleaf_call(0, 1, (struct A){2, 3, 4.f}, (struct B){5., 6ll}, 7, 8, (struct A){9, 10, 11.f}, (struct B){12., 13ll}, 14, 15);
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdff98        addiu   sp,sp,-104
   4:   afbe0064        sw      s8,100(sp)
   8:   afb30060        sw      s3,96(sp)
   c:   afb2005c        sw      s2,92(sp)
  10:   afb10058        sw      s1,88(sp)
  14:   afb00054        sw      s0,84(sp)
  18:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  1c:   afc40040        sw      a0,64(s8)
  20:   00a09821        move    s3,a1
  24:   00c08821        move    s1,a2
  28:   afc70044        sw      a3,68(s8)
  2c:   afc80048        sw      t0,72(s8)
  30:   01209021        move    s2,t1
  34:   01408021        move    s0,t2
  38:   afcb004c        sw      t3,76(s8)
  3c:   8e640000        lw      a0,0(s3)
  40:   8e630004        lw      v1,4(s3)
  44:   8e620008        lw      v0,8(s3)
  48:   afc40030        sw      a0,48(s8)
  4c:   afc30034        sw      v1,52(s8)
  50:   afc20038        sw      v0,56(s8)
  54:   8e250000        lw      a1,0(s1)
  58:   8e240004        lw      a0,4(s1)
  5c:   8e230008        lw      v1,8(s1)
  60:   8e22000c        lw      v0,12(s1)
  64:   afc50020        sw      a1,32(s8)
  68:   afc40024        sw      a0,36(s8)
  6c:   afc30028        sw      v1,40(s8)
  70:   afc2002c        sw      v0,44(s8)
  74:   8e440000        lw      a0,0(s2)
  78:   8e430004        lw      v1,4(s2)
  7c:   8e420008        lw      v0,8(s2)
  80:   afc40010        sw      a0,16(s8)
  84:   afc30014        sw      v1,20(s8)
  88:   afc20018        sw      v0,24(s8)
  8c:   8e050000        lw      a1,0(s0)
  90:   8e040004        lw      a0,4(s0)
  94:   8e030008        lw      v1,8(s0)
  98:   8e02000c        lw      v0,12(s0)
  9c:   afc50000        sw      a1,0(s8)
  a0:   afc40004        sw      a0,4(s8)
  a4:   afc30008        sw      v1,8(s8)
  a8:   afc2000c        sw      v0,12(s8)
  ac:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  b0:   8fbe0064        lw      s8,100(sp)
  b4:   8fb30060        lw      s3,96(sp)
  b8:   8fb2005c        lw      s2,92(sp)
  bc:   8fb10058        lw      s1,88(sp)
  c0:   8fb00054        lw      s0,84(sp)
  c4:   27bd0068        addiu   sp,sp,104
  c8:   03e00008        jr      ra
  cc:   00000000        nop

000000d0 <nonleaf_call>:
  d0:   27bdff30        addiu   sp,sp,-208
  d4:   afbf00cc        sw      ra,204(sp)
  d8:   afbe00c8        sw      s8,200(sp)
  dc:   afb300c4        sw      s3,196(sp)
  e0:   afb200c0        sw      s2,192(sp)
  e4:   afb100bc        sw      s1,188(sp)
  e8:   afb000b8        sw      s0,184(sp)
  ec:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  f0:   afc400a8        sw      a0,168(s8)
  f4:   afc500ac        sw      a1,172(s8)
  f8:   00c09821        move    s3,a2
  fc:   00e08821        move    s1,a3
 100:   afc800b0        sw      t0,176(s8)
 104:   afc900b4        sw      t1,180(s8)
 108:   01409021        move    s2,t2
 10c:   01608021        move    s0,t3
 110:   8e640000        lw      a0,0(s3)
 114:   8e630004        lw      v1,4(s3)
 118:   8e620008        lw      v0,8(s3)
 11c:   afc40038        sw      a0,56(s8)
 120:   afc3003c        sw      v1,60(s8)
 124:   afc20040        sw      v0,64(s8)
 128:   8e250000        lw      a1,0(s1)
 12c:   8e240004        lw      a0,4(s1)
 130:   8e230008        lw      v1,8(s1)
 134:   8e22000c        lw      v0,12(s1)
 138:   afc50028        sw      a1,40(s8)
 13c:   afc4002c        sw      a0,44(s8)
 140:   afc30030        sw      v1,48(s8)
 144:   afc20034        sw      v0,52(s8)
 148:   8e440000        lw      a0,0(s2)
 14c:   8e430004        lw      v1,4(s2)
 150:   8e420008        lw      v0,8(s2)
 154:   afc40018        sw      a0,24(s8)
 158:   afc3001c        sw      v1,28(s8)
 15c:   afc20020        sw      v0,32(s8)
 160:   8e050000        lw      a1,0(s0)
 164:   8e040004        lw      a0,4(s0)
 168:   8e030008        lw      v1,8(s0)
 16c:   8e02000c        lw      v0,12(s0)
 170:   afc50008        sw      a1,8(s8)
 174:   afc4000c        sw      a0,12(s8)
 178:   afc30010        sw      v1,16(s8)
 17c:   afc20014        sw      v0,20(s8)
 180:   27c30044        addiu   v1,s8,68
 184:   24020064        li      v0,100
 188:   00602021        move    a0,v1
 18c:   00002821        move    a1,zero
 190:   00403021        move    a2,v0
 194:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
 198:   00000000        nop
 19c:   2402004c        li      v0,76
 1a0:   a3c20044        sb      v0,68(s8)
 1a4:   27c50038        addiu   a1,s8,56
 1a8:   27c60028        addiu   a2,s8,40
 1ac:   27c30018        addiu   v1,s8,24
 1b0:   8fc200d4        lw      v0,212(s8)
 1b4:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)
 1b8:   8fc400ac        lw      a0,172(s8)
 1bc:   8fc700b0        lw      a3,176(s8)
 1c0:   8fc800b4        lw      t0,180(s8)
 1c4:   00604821        move    t1,v1
 1c8:   27c20008        addiu   v0,s8,8
 1cc:   00405021        move    t2,v0
 1d0:   8fcb00d0        lw      t3,208(s8)
 1d4:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
 1d8:   00000000        nop
 1dc:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
 1e0:   8fbf00cc        lw      ra,204(sp)
 1e4:   8fbe00c8        lw      s8,200(sp)
 1e8:   8fb300c4        lw      s3,196(sp)
 1ec:   8fb200c0        lw      s2,192(sp)
 1f0:   8fb100bc        lw      s1,188(sp)
 1f4:   8fb000b8        lw      s0,184(sp)
 1f8:   27bd00d0        addiu   sp,sp,208
 1fc:   03e00008        jr      ra
 200:   00000000        nop

00000204 <main>:
 204:   27bdffb0        addiu   sp,sp,-80
 208:   afbf004c        sw      ra,76(sp)
 20c:   afbe0048        sw      s8,72(sp)
 210:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
 214:   24020002        li      v0,2
 218:   afc20038        sw      v0,56(s8)
 21c:   24020003        li      v0,3
 220:   afc2003c        sw      v0,60(s8)
 224:   8f820000        lw      v0,0(gp)
 228:   afc20040        sw      v0,64(s8)
 22c:   8f820008        lw      v0,8(gp)
 230:   8f83000c        lw      v1,12(gp)
 234:   afc20028        sw      v0,40(s8)
 238:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)
 23c:   24020006        li      v0,6
 240:   00001821        move    v1,zero
 244:   afc20030        sw      v0,48(s8)
 248:   afc30034        sw      v1,52(s8)
 24c:   24020009        li      v0,9
 250:   afc20018        sw      v0,24(s8)
 254:   2402000a        li      v0,10
 258:   afc2001c        sw      v0,28(s8)
 25c:   8f820010        lw      v0,16(gp)
 260:   afc20020        sw      v0,32(s8)
 264:   8f820018        lw      v0,24(gp)
 268:   8f83001c        lw      v1,28(gp)
 26c:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)
 270:   afc3000c        sw      v1,12(s8)
 274:   2402000d        li      v0,13
 278:   00001821        move    v1,zero
 27c:   afc20010        sw      v0,16(s8)
 280:   afc30014        sw      v1,20(s8)
 284:   27c60038        addiu   a2,s8,56
 288:   27c70028        addiu   a3,s8,40
 28c:   27c30018        addiu   v1,s8,24
 290:   2402000e        li      v0,14
 294:   afa20000        sw      v0,0(sp)
 298:   2402000f        li      v0,15
 29c:   afa20004        sw      v0,4(sp)
 2a0:   00002021        move    a0,zero
 2a4:   24050001        li      a1,1
 2a8:   24080007        li      t0,7
 2ac:   24090008        li      t1,8
 2b0:   00605021        move    t2,v1
 2b4:   27c20008        addiu   v0,s8,8
 2b8:   00405821        move    t3,v0
 2bc:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
 2c0:   00000000        nop
 2c4:   00001021        move    v0,zero
 2c8:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
 2cc:   8fbf004c        lw      ra,76(sp)
 2d0:   8fbe0048        lw      s8,72(sp)
 2d4:   27bd0050        addiu   sp,sp,80
 2d8:   03e00008        jr      ra
 2dc:   00000000        nop

; ---------- returning structs by value ---------->
; struct Small { char x; };
; struct Big { long long i,j,k,l; long m; }; /* bigger than 16b */
; struct Small f0()
; {
;     struct Small s = { 132 };
;     return s;
; }
; struct Big f1()
; {
;     struct Big b = { 7171LL, 99LL, -99LL, -3102LL, 32 };
;     return b;
; }
; int main()
; {
;     struct Small s = f0();
;     struct Big b = f1();
;     return b.j + b.k + b.m + s.x;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <f0>:
   0:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16
   4:   afbe000c        sw      s8,12(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   2402ff84        li      v0,-124
  10:   a3c20000        sb      v0,0(s8)
  14:   93c20000        lbu     v0,0(s8)
  18:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  1c:   8fbe000c        lw      s8,12(sp)
  20:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16
  24:   03e00008        jr      ra
  28:   00000000        nop

0000002c <f1>:
  2c:   27bdffc8        addiu   sp,sp,-56
  30:   afbf0034        sw      ra,52(sp)
  34:   afbe0030        sw      s8,48(sp)
  38:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  3c:   afc40028        sw      a0,40(s8)
  40:   3c020000        lui     v0,0x0
  44:   03c02021        move    a0,s8
  48:   24430000        addiu   v1,v0,0
  4c:   24020028        li      v0,40
  50:   00602821        move    a1,v1
  54:   00403021        move    a2,v0
  58:   0c000000        jal     0 <f0>
  5c:   00000000        nop
  60:   8fc20028        lw      v0,40(s8)
  64:   00402021        move    a0,v0
  68:   03c01821        move    v1,s8
  6c:   24020028        li      v0,40
  70:   00602821        move    a1,v1
  74:   00403021        move    a2,v0
  78:   0c000000        jal     0 <f0>
  7c:   00000000        nop
  80:   8fc20028        lw      v0,40(s8)
  84:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  88:   8fbf0034        lw      ra,52(sp)
  8c:   8fbe0030        lw      s8,48(sp)
  90:   27bd0038        addiu   sp,sp,56
  94:   03e00008        jr      ra
  98:   00000000        nop

0000009c <main>:
  9c:   27bdffc8        addiu   sp,sp,-56
  a0:   afbf0034        sw      ra,52(sp)
  a4:   afbe0030        sw      s8,48(sp)
  a8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  ac:   0c000000        jal     0 <f0>
  b0:   00000000        nop
  b4:   a3c20000        sb      v0,0(s8)
  b8:   27c20008        addiu   v0,s8,8
  bc:   00402021        move    a0,v0
  c0:   0c000000        jal     0 <f0>
  c4:   00000000        nop
  c8:   8fc20010        lw      v0,16(s8)
  cc:   8fc30014        lw      v1,20(s8)
  d0:   00402021        move    a0,v0
  d4:   8fc20018        lw      v0,24(s8)
  d8:   8fc3001c        lw      v1,28(s8)
  dc:   00821021        addu    v0,a0,v0
  e0:   8fc30028        lw      v1,40(s8)
  e4:   00431021        addu    v0,v0,v1
  e8:   83c30000        lb      v1,0(s8)
  ec:   00431021        addu    v0,v0,v1
  f0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  f4:   8fbf0034        lw      ra,52(sp)
  f8:   8fbe0030        lw      s8,48(sp)
  fc:   27bd0038        addiu   sp,sp,56
 100:   03e00008        jr      ra
 104:   00000000        nop

; ---------- returning long long ---------->
; long long f()
; {
;     return 7171LL;
; }
; int main()
; {
;     return (int)f();
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <f>:
   0:   27bdfff8        addiu   sp,sp,-8
   4:   afbe0004        sw      s8,4(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   24021c03        li      v0,7171
  10:   00001821        move    v1,zero
  14:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  18:   8fbe0004        lw      s8,4(sp)
  1c:   27bd0008        addiu   sp,sp,8
  20:   03e00008        jr      ra
  24:   00000000        nop

00000028 <main>:
  28:   27bdfff8        addiu   sp,sp,-8
  2c:   afbf0004        sw      ra,4(sp)
  30:   afbe0000        sw      s8,0(sp)
  34:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  38:   0c000000        jal     0 <f>
  3c:   00000000        nop
  40:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  44:   8fbf0004        lw      ra,4(sp)
  48:   8fbe0000        lw      s8,0(sp)
  4c:   27bd0008        addiu   sp,sp,8
  50:   03e00008        jr      ra
  54:   00000000        nop

; ---------- passing structs with only fp parts ---------->
; struct A { float a; };
; struct B { float a, b; };
; struct C { float a, b, c; };
; struct D { double a; };
; struct E { double a, b; };
; struct F { double a, b, c; };
; void leaf_call(struct A a, struct B b, struct C c, struct D d, struct E e, struct F f)
; {
; }
; int main()
; {
;     leaf_call((struct A){1.f}, (struct B){2.f,3.f}, (struct C){4.f,5.f,6.f}, (struct D){1.}, (struct E){2.,3.}, (struct F){4.,5.,6.});
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdff98        addiu   sp,sp,-104
   4:   afbe0064        sw      s8,100(sp)
   8:   afb30060        sw      s3,96(sp)
   c:   afb2005c        sw      s2,92(sp)
  10:   afb10058        sw      s1,88(sp)
  14:   afb00054        sw      s0,84(sp)
  18:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  1c:   e7cc0040        swc1    $f12,64(s8)
  20:   00809821        move    s3,a0
  24:   00a09021        move    s2,a1
  28:   afc60048        sw      a2,72(s8)
  2c:   afc7004c        sw      a3,76(s8)
  30:   01008821        move    s1,t0
  34:   01208021        move    s0,t1
  38:   8e630000        lw      v1,0(s3)
  3c:   8e620004        lw      v0,4(s3)
  40:   afc30034        sw      v1,52(s8)
  44:   afc20038        sw      v0,56(s8)
  48:   8e440000        lw      a0,0(s2)
  4c:   8e430004        lw      v1,4(s2)
  50:   8e420008        lw      v0,8(s2)
  54:   afc40028        sw      a0,40(s8)
  58:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)
  5c:   afc20030        sw      v0,48(s8)
  60:   8e250000        lw      a1,0(s1)
  64:   8e240004        lw      a0,4(s1)
  68:   8e230008        lw      v1,8(s1)
  6c:   8e22000c        lw      v0,12(s1)
  70:   afc50018        sw      a1,24(s8)
  74:   afc4001c        sw      a0,28(s8)
  78:   afc30020        sw      v1,32(s8)
  7c:   afc20024        sw      v0,36(s8)
  80:   8e070000        lw      a3,0(s0)
  84:   8e060004        lw      a2,4(s0)
  88:   8e050008        lw      a1,8(s0)
  8c:   8e04000c        lw      a0,12(s0)
  90:   8e030010        lw      v1,16(s0)
  94:   8e020014        lw      v0,20(s0)
  98:   afc70000        sw      a3,0(s8)
  9c:   afc60004        sw      a2,4(s8)
  a0:   afc50008        sw      a1,8(s8)
  a4:   afc4000c        sw      a0,12(s8)
  a8:   afc30010        sw      v1,16(s8)
  ac:   afc20014        sw      v0,20(s8)
  b0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  b4:   8fbe0064        lw      s8,100(sp)
  b8:   8fb30060        lw      s3,96(sp)
  bc:   8fb2005c        lw      s2,92(sp)
  c0:   8fb10058        lw      s1,88(sp)
  c4:   8fb00054        lw      s0,84(sp)
  c8:   27bd0068        addiu   sp,sp,104
  cc:   03e00008        jr      ra
  d0:   00000000        nop

000000d4 <main>:
  d4:   27bdffb0        addiu   sp,sp,-80
  d8:   afbf004c        sw      ra,76(sp)
  dc:   afbe0048        sw      s8,72(sp)
  e0:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  e4:   8f820000        lw      v0,0(gp)
  e8:   afc20044        sw      v0,68(s8)
  ec:   8f820004        lw      v0,4(gp)
  f0:   afc2003c        sw      v0,60(s8)
  f4:   8f820008        lw      v0,8(gp)
  f8:   afc20040        sw      v0,64(s8)
  fc:   8f82000c        lw      v0,12(gp)
 100:   afc20030        sw      v0,48(s8)
 104:   8f820010        lw      v0,16(gp)
 108:   afc20034        sw      v0,52(s8)
 10c:   8f820014        lw      v0,20(gp)
 110:   afc20038        sw      v0,56(s8)
 114:   8f820018        lw      v0,24(gp)
 118:   8f83001c        lw      v1,28(gp)
 11c:   afc20028        sw      v0,40(s8)
 120:   afc3002c        sw      v1,44(s8)
 124:   8f820020        lw      v0,32(gp)
 128:   8f830024        lw      v1,36(gp)
 12c:   afc20018        sw      v0,24(s8)
 130:   afc3001c        sw      v1,28(s8)
 134:   8f820028        lw      v0,40(gp)
 138:   8f83002c        lw      v1,44(gp)
 13c:   afc20020        sw      v0,32(s8)
 140:   afc30024        sw      v1,36(s8)
 144:   8f820030        lw      v0,48(gp)
 148:   8f830034        lw      v1,52(gp)
 14c:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)
 150:   afc30004        sw      v1,4(s8)
 154:   8f820038        lw      v0,56(gp)
 158:   8f83003c        lw      v1,60(gp)
 15c:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)
 160:   afc3000c        sw      v1,12(s8)
 164:   8f820040        lw      v0,64(gp)
 168:   8f830044        lw      v1,68(gp)
 16c:   afc20010        sw      v0,16(s8)
 170:   afc30014        sw      v1,20(s8)
 174:   27c4003c        addiu   a0,s8,60
 178:   27c30030        addiu   v1,s8,48
 17c:   27c20018        addiu   v0,s8,24
 180:   c7cc0044        lwc1    $f12,68(s8)
 184:   00602821        move    a1,v1
 188:   8fc60028        lw      a2,40(s8)
 18c:   8fc7002c        lw      a3,44(s8)
 190:   00404021        move    t0,v0
 194:   03c04821        move    t1,s8
 198:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
 19c:   00000000        nop
 1a0:   00001021        move    v0,zero
 1a4:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
 1a8:   8fbf004c        lw      ra,76(sp)
 1ac:   8fbe0048        lw      s8,72(sp)
 1b0:   27bd0050        addiu   sp,sp,80
 1b4:   03e00008        jr      ra
 1b8:   00000000        nop

; ---------- single-field structs by values (and small array fields) ---------->
; struct C { char c; };
; struct S { short s; };
; struct I { int i; };
; struct F { float f; };
; struct D { double d; };
; struct C2 { char c[2]; };
; struct C3 { char c[3]; };
; void leaf_call(struct C2 a, struct C b, struct S c, struct I d, struct F e, struct D f, struct C3 g)
; {
; }
; int main()
; {
;     leaf_call((struct C2){{0,1}}, (struct C){2}, (struct S){3}, (struct I){4}, (struct F){5.f}, (struct D){6.}, (struct C3){{7,8,9}});
;     return 0;
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   27bdffd8        addiu   sp,sp,-40
   4:   afbe0024        sw      s8,36(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   a7c40000        sh      a0,0(s8)
  10:   a3c50004        sb      a1,4(s8)
  14:   a7c60008        sh      a2,8(s8)
  18:   afc7000c        sw      a3,12(s8)
  1c:   e7cc0010        swc1    $f12,16(s8)
  20:   afc80018        sw      t0,24(s8)
  24:   afc9001c        sw      t1,28(s8)
  28:   afca0014        sw      t2,20(s8)
  2c:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  30:   8fbe0024        lw      s8,36(sp)
  34:   27bd0028        addiu   sp,sp,40
  38:   03e00008        jr      ra
  3c:   00000000        nop

00000040 <main>:
  40:   27bdffd0        addiu   sp,sp,-48
  44:   afbf002c        sw      ra,44(sp)
  48:   afbe0028        sw      s8,40(sp)
  4c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  50:   a3c00020        sb      zero,32(s8)
  54:   24020001        li      v0,1
  58:   a3c20021        sb      v0,33(s8)
  5c:   24020002        li      v0,2
  60:   a3c2001c        sb      v0,28(s8)
  64:   24020003        li      v0,3
  68:   a7c20018        sh      v0,24(s8)
  6c:   24020004        li      v0,4
  70:   afc20014        sw      v0,20(s8)
  74:   8f820000        lw      v0,0(gp)
  78:   afc20010        sw      v0,16(s8)
  7c:   8f820008        lw      v0,8(gp)
  80:   8f83000c        lw      v1,12(gp)
  84:   afc20008        sw      v0,8(s8)
  88:   afc3000c        sw      v1,12(s8)
  8c:   24020007        li      v0,7
  90:   a3c20000        sb      v0,0(s8)
  94:   24020008        li      v0,8
  98:   a3c20001        sb      v0,1(s8)
  9c:   24020009        li      v0,9
  a0:   a3c20002        sb      v0,2(s8)
  a4:   8fc40020        lw      a0,32(s8)
  a8:   93c5001c        lbu     a1,28(s8)
  ac:   97c60018        lhu     a2,24(s8)
  b0:   8fc70014        lw      a3,20(s8)
  b4:   c7cc0010        lwc1    $f12,16(s8)
  b8:   8fc80008        lw      t0,8(s8)
  bc:   8fc9000c        lw      t1,12(s8)
  c0:   8fca0000        lw      t2,0(s8)
  c4:   0c000000        jal     0 <leaf_call>
  c8:   00000000        nop
  cc:   00001021        move    v0,zero
  d0:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  d4:   8fbf002c        lw      ra,44(sp)
  d8:   8fbe0028        lw      s8,40(sp)
  dc:   27bd0030        addiu   sp,sp,48
  e0:   03e00008        jr      ra
  e4:   00000000        nop

; ---------- C++ trivial and non-trivial aggrs passed to C funcs ---------->
; struct Trivial { int a; };
; struct NonTrivial { int a; NonTrivial() : a(0) {} NonTrivial(const NonTrivial& rhs) : a(rhs.a) { } };
; extern "C" {
;     void f1(struct Trivial s)    { }
;     void f2(struct NonTrivial s) { }
;     void f()
;     {
;         struct Trivial t;
;         struct NonTrivial n;
;         int a=1;
;         a += 123;
;         f1(t);
;         a -= 123;
;         f2(n);
;         a -= 12;
;     }
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <f1>:
   0:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16
   4:   afbe000c        sw      s8,12(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  10:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  14:   8fbe000c        lw      s8,12(sp)
  18:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16
  1c:   03e00008        jr      ra
  20:   00000000        nop

00000024 <f2>:
  24:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16
  28:   afbe000c        sw      s8,12(sp)
  2c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
  30:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)
  34:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  38:   8fbe000c        lw      s8,12(sp)
  3c:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16
  40:   03e00008        jr      ra
  44:   00000000        nop

00000048 <f>:
  48:   27bdffe8        addiu   sp,sp,-24  ;
  4c:   afbf0014        sw      ra,20(sp)  ;
  50:   afbe0010        sw      s8,16(sp)  ;
  54:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp      ;
  58:   27c2000c        addiu   v0,s8,12   ;
  5c:   00402021        move    a0,v0      ; |
  60:   0c000000        jal     0 <f1>     ; | NonTrivial::NonTrivial() / ctor
  64:   00000000        nop                ;
  68:   24020001        li      v0,1       ; a = 1
  6c:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  70:   8fc20000        lw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  74:   2442007b        addiu   v0,v0,123  ; a += 123
  78:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  7c:   8fc40008        lw      a0,8(s8)   ; |
  80:   0c000000        jal     0 <f1>     ; | call f1(struct Trivial)
  84:   00000000        nop                ;
  88:   8fc20000        lw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  8c:   2442ff85        addiu   v0,v0,-123 ; a -= 123
  90:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  94:   27c30004        addiu   v1,s8,4    ;
  98:   27c2000c        addiu   v0,s8,12   ;
  9c:   00602021        move    a0,v1      ; |               ptr to dest of copy of n
  a0:   00402821        move    a1,v0      ; | copy n        ptr to n
  a4:   0c000000        jal     0 <f1>     ; |               | NonTrivial::NonTrivial(const NonTrivial&) / copy ctor
  a8:   00000000        nop                ;
  ac:   27c20004        addiu   v0,s8,4    ; get ptr to copy of n -> v0
  b0:   00402021        move    a0,v0      ; f2 arg 0 (ptr to copy of struct NonTrivial), via ptr as non-trivial
  b4:   0c000000        jal     0 <f1>     ; call f2(struct NonTrivial)
  b8:   00000000        nop                ;
  bc:   8fc20000        lw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  c0:   2442fff4        addiu   v0,v0,-12  ; a -= 12
  c4:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  c8:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8      ;
  cc:   8fbf0014        lw      ra,20(sp)  ;
  d0:   8fbe0010        lw      s8,16(sp)  ;
  d4:   27bd0018        addiu   sp,sp,24   ;
  d8:   03e00008        jr      ra         ;
  dc:   00000000        nop                ;

  ; ... snip, removed code of ctor and copy ctor ...

; ---------- C++ trivial and non-trivial aggrs as return values ---------->
; struct Trivial { int a; };
; struct NonTrivial { int a; NonTrivial() : a(0) {} NonTrivial(const NonTrivial& rhs) : a(rhs.a) { } };
; extern "C" {
;     struct Trivial    f1() { return Trivial(); }
; }
;     struct NonTrivial f2() { return NonTrivial(); }
; extern "C" {
;     void f()
;     {
;         int a=1;
;         a += 123;
;         struct Trivial t = f1();
;         a -= 123;
;         struct NonTrivial n = f2();
;         a -= 12;
;     }
; }

; output from psptoolchain-20111215-psp w/ gcc 4.9.3

00000000 <f1>:
   0:   27bdfff8        addiu   sp,sp,-8
   4:   afbe0004        sw      s8,4(sp)
   8:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp
   c:   00001021        move    v0,zero
  10:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8
  14:   8fbe0004        lw      s8,4(sp)
  18:   27bd0008        addiu   sp,sp,8
  1c:   03e00008        jr      ra
  20:   00000000        nop

00000024 <_Z2f2v>:
  24:   27bdfff0        addiu   sp,sp,-16 ;
  28:   afbf000c        sw      ra,12(sp) ;
  2c:   afbe0008        sw      s8,8(sp)  ;
  30:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp     ;
  34:   afc40000        sw      a0,0(s8)  ;
  38:   8fc40000        lw      a0,0(s8)  ;
  3c:   0c000000        jal     0 <f1>    ;
  40:   00000000        nop               ;
  44:   8fc20000        lw      v0,0(s8)  ; retval, return (hidden) passed-in ptr to space for retval
  48:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8     ;
  4c:   8fbf000c        lw      ra,12(sp) ;
  50:   8fbe0008        lw      s8,8(sp)  ;
  54:   27bd0010        addiu   sp,sp,16  ;
  58:   03e00008        jr      ra        ;
  5c:   00000000        nop               ;

00000060 <f>:
  60:   27bdffe8        addiu   sp,sp,-24  ;
  64:   afbf0014        sw      ra,20(sp)  ;
  68:   afbe0010        sw      s8,16(sp)  ;
  6c:   03a0f021        move    s8,sp      ;
  70:   24020001        li      v0,1       ; a = 1
  74:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  78:   8fc20000        lw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  7c:   2442007b        addiu   v0,v0,123  ; a += 123
  80:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  84:   0c000000        jal     0 <f1>     ; call f1(), struct returned via as trivial and <= 64bit
  88:   00000000        nop                ;
  8c:   afc20004        sw      v0,4(s8)   ;
  90:   8fc20000        lw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  94:   2442ff85        addiu   v0,v0,-123 ; a -= 123
  98:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  9c:   27c20008        addiu   v0,s8,8    ;
  a0:   00402021        move    a0,v0      ; hidden first arg (ptr to space for ret val)
  a4:   0c000000        jal     0 <f1>     ; call f2(), result returned indirectly as struct nontrivial
  a8:   00000000        nop                ;
  ac:   8fc20000        lw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  b0:   2442fff4        addiu   v0,v0,-12  ; a -= 12
  b4:   afc20000        sw      v0,0(s8)   ;
  b8:   03c0e821        move    sp,s8      ;
  bc:   8fbf0014        lw      ra,20(sp)  ;
  c0:   8fbe0010        lw      s8,16(sp)  ;
  c4:   27bd0018        addiu   sp,sp,24   ;
  c8:   03e00008        jr      ra         ;
  cc:   00000000        nop                ;

  ; ... snip, removed code of ctor ...

; vim: ft=asm