view dyncall/README-Developer.txt @ 466:ddfb9577a00e

introduced platform-native thiscall mode (DC_CALL_C_DEFAULT_THIS), as needed for upcoming aggregate support (until now only x86 platforms allowed for specifically selecting thiscall mode, given the different conventions on the same platform); also added respective DC_SIGCHAR_CC_THISCALL ('*')
author Tassilo Philipp
date Wed, 02 Feb 2022 18:30:44 +0100
parents 3e629dc19168
line wrap: on
line source

Build with GCC Tool-Chain:

  One assembly front-end *.S source file for all supported architectures:
    gcc -c dyncall_call.S -o dyncall_call.o

  - works fine with universal binary builds (fat binaries), e.g.:
    gcc -arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -c dyncall_call.S -o dyncall_call.o
  Simplified assembly file compilation via using a gigantic C Preprocessor switch include.
  source file "dyncall_call.S" selects the appropriate GAS/Apple assembly file
  archs so far:
  arm32_thumb		.s
  arm32_arm		.s
  mips		.s
  ppc32		.s
  x64			.s
  x86			.S  [ uses C macros ]
  gas	  - standard GNU assembler
  apple - apple's assembler (based on GNU but is significantly different in syntax)
  masm  - Microsoft assembler x86 and x64
  nasm  - Netwide assembler for x86 and x64
  NOTE: .S is used for preprocessing assembly files using gcc
        .s is used directly with as
  - one way to build the kernel: 
     gcc -c dyncall_call.S -o dyncall_call.o
  - we can build now universal binaries