view dyncall/README-Developer.txt @ 27:523c45dfa8fb

- refactored arm calling conventions' callvm code, so that the code that keeps the caller from overwriting the return value on some platforms also works on OpenBSD (before we casted the function pointer to have long long as return type, to hint the caller that there is one, but that triggers an intentional SIGABRT on OpenBSD for security reasons; now the decl reflects this, directly)
author cslag
date Tue, 15 Sep 2015 12:48:52 +0200
parents 3e629dc19168
line wrap: on
line source

Build with GCC Tool-Chain:

  One assembly front-end *.S source file for all supported architectures:
    gcc -c dyncall_call.S -o dyncall_call.o

  - works fine with universal binary builds (fat binaries), e.g.:
    gcc -arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -c dyncall_call.S -o dyncall_call.o
  Simplified assembly file compilation via using a gigantic C Preprocessor switch include.
  source file "dyncall_call.S" selects the appropriate GAS/Apple assembly file
  archs so far:
  arm32_thumb		.s
  arm32_arm		.s
  mips		.s
  ppc32		.s
  x64			.s
  x86			.S  [ uses C macros ]
  gas	  - standard GNU assembler
  apple - apple's assembler (based on GNU but is significantly different in syntax)
  masm  - Microsoft assembler x86 and x64
  nasm  - Netwide assembler for x86 and x64
  NOTE: .S is used for preprocessing assembly files using gcc
        .s is used directly with as
  - one way to build the kernel: 
     gcc -c dyncall_call.S -o dyncall_call.o
  - we can build now universal binaries