view doc/disas_examples/x86.cdecl.disas @ 425:2d9f1cb06352

- dynload: corrected comparison of size of optional PE header info to what is pointed to (ptr arithmetic was incorrect, only broke ReactOS builds and runtime, though)
author Tassilo Philipp
date Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:50:58 +0100
parents c0390dc85a07
children 984e6652b975
line wrap: on
line source

; #include <stdlib.h>
; void leaf_call(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
; {
; }
; void nonleaf_call(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
; {
; 	/* use some local data */
; 	*(char*)alloca(220) = 'L';
; 	leaf_call(b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
; }
; int main()
; {
; 	nonleaf_call(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
; 	return 0;
; }

; output from arch_linux-2011.08.19-x86 w/ gcc 4.6.1

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   55                      push   %ebp
   1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   3:   5d                      pop    %ebp
   4:   c3                      ret

00000005 <nonleaf_call>:
   5:   55                      push   %ebp                   ; |
   6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp              ; | prolog
   8:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp             ; /
   b:   b8 10 00 00 00          mov    $0x10,%eax             ; \                     |
  10:   83 e8 01                sub    $0x1,%eax              ; |                     | creative way to move 250 to eax
  13:   05 eb 00 00 00          add    $0xeb,%eax             ; |                     /
  18:   c7 45 f4 10 00 00 00    movl   $0x10,-0xc(%ebp)       ; | size comp wtf?      \
  1f:   ba 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%edx              ; |                     |
  24:   f7 75 f4                divl   -0xc(%ebp)             ; |                     | obviously fastest way to round to multiple of 16
  27:   6b c0 10                imul   $0x10,%eax,%eax        ; |                     |
  2a:   29 c4                   sub    %eax,%esp              ; alloca(220) with size containing some padding computed above
  2c:   8d 44 24 1c             lea    0x1c(%esp),%eax        ; |
  30:   83 c0 0f                add    $0xf,%eax              ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> eax, by ...
  33:   c1 e8 04                shr    $0x4,%eax              ; | ... using ebx and 2 pointless store/reads in local space as helper to align to 16b
  36:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax              ; |
  39:   c6 00 4c                movb   $0x4c,(%eax)           ; 'L' -> alloca()'d space
  3c:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  3f:   89 44 24 18             mov    %eax,0x18(%esp)        ; |
  43:   8b 45 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  46:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)        ; |
  4a:   8b 45 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  4d:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)        ; |
  51:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax        ; | read in args 1-7 from prev frame's param area, and ...
  54:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)         ; | ... "push" onto stack as arg 0-6
  58:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  5b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)         ; |
  5f:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  62:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)         ; |
  66:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax         ; |
  69:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)            ; |
  6c:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   6d <nonleaf_call+0x68> ; push return address and call leaf_call (objdump not from final link but .o)
  71:   c9                      leave                         ; |
  72:   c3                      ret                           ; | epilog

00000073 <main>:
  73:   55                      push   %ebp                   ; |
  74:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp              ; |
  76:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp       ; | prolog
  79:   83 ec 20                sub    $0x20,%esp             ; |
  7c:   c7 44 24 1c 07 00 00 00 movl   $0x7,0x1c(%esp)        ; arg 7 -> stack
  84:   c7 44 24 18 06 00 00 00 movl   $0x6,0x18(%esp)        ; arg 6 -> stack
  8c:   c7 44 24 14 05 00 00 00 movl   $0x5,0x14(%esp)        ; arg 5 -> stack
  94:   c7 44 24 10 04 00 00 00 movl   $0x4,0x10(%esp)        ; arg 4 -> stack
  9c:   c7 44 24 0c 03 00 00 00 movl   $0x3,0xc(%esp)         ; arg 3 -> stack
  a4:   c7 44 24 08 02 00 00 00 movl   $0x2,0x8(%esp)         ; arg 2 -> stack
  ac:   c7 44 24 04 01 00 00 00 movl   $0x1,0x4(%esp)         ; arg 1 -> stack
  b4:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)            ; arg 0 -> stack
  bb:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   bc <main+0x49>         ; push return address and call nonleaf_call (objdump not from final link but .o)
  c0:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax              ; return value
  c5:   c9                      leave                         ; |
  c6:   c3                      ret                           ; | epilog

; output from darwin-8.0.1-x86 w/ gcc 3.3

   0:   55                      pushl  %ebp
   1:   89 e5                   movl   %esp, %ebp
   3:   83 ec 08                subl   $8, %esp
   6:   c9                      leave
   7:   c3                      retl

   8:   55                      pushl  %ebp                 ; |
   9:   89 e5                   movl   %esp, %ebp           ; | prolog
   b:   83 ec 28                subl   $40, %esp            ; |
   e:   81 ec e0 00 00 00       subl   $224, %esp           ; alloca(220) - with 4b padding
  14:   8d 44 24 20             leal   32(%esp), %eax       ; |
  18:   c6 00 4c                movb   $76, (%eax)          ; / 'L' -> alloca()'d space
  1b:   8b 45 24                movl   36(%ebp), %eax       ; \
  1e:   89 44 24 18             movl   %eax, 24(%esp)       ; |
  22:   8b 45 20                movl   32(%ebp), %eax       ; |
  25:   89 44 24 14             movl   %eax, 20(%esp)       ; |
  29:   8b 45 1c                movl   28(%ebp), %eax       ; |
  2c:   89 44 24 10             movl   %eax, 16(%esp)       ; |
  30:   8b 45 18                movl   24(%ebp), %eax       ; | read in args 1-7 from prev frame's param area, and ...
  33:   89 44 24 0c             movl   %eax, 12(%esp)       ; | ... "push" onto stack as arg 0-6
  37:   8b 45 14                movl   20(%ebp), %eax       ; |
  3a:   89 44 24 08             movl   %eax, 8(%esp)        ; |
  3e:   8b 45 10                movl   16(%ebp), %eax       ; |
  41:   89 44 24 04             movl   %eax, 4(%esp)        ; |
  45:   8b 45 0c                movl   12(%ebp), %eax       ; |
  48:   89 04 24                movl   %eax, (%esp)         ; |
  4b:   e8 b0 ff ff ff          calll  -80 <_leaf_call>     ; push return address and call
  50:   c9                      leave                       ; |
  51:   c3                      retl                        ; | epilog
  52:   90                      nop                         ;
  53:   90                      nop                         ;

  54:   55                      pushl  %ebp                 ; |
  55:   89 e5                   movl   %esp, %ebp           ; | prolog
  57:   83 ec 28                subl   $40, %esp            ; |
  5a:   c7 44 24 1c 07 00 00 00 movl   $7, 28(%esp)         ; arg 7 -> stack
  62:   c7 44 24 18 06 00 00 00 movl   $6, 24(%esp)         ; arg 6 -> stack
  6a:   c7 44 24 14 05 00 00 00 movl   $5, 20(%esp)         ; arg 5 -> stack
  72:   c7 44 24 10 04 00 00 00 movl   $4, 16(%esp)         ; arg 4 -> stack
  7a:   c7 44 24 0c 03 00 00 00 movl   $3, 12(%esp)         ; arg 3 -> stack
  82:   c7 44 24 08 02 00 00 00 movl   $2, 8(%esp)          ; arg 2 -> stack
  8a:   c7 44 24 04 01 00 00 00 movl   $1, 4(%esp)          ; arg 1 -> stack
  92:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0, (%esp)           ; arg 0 -> stack
  99:   e8 6a ff ff ff          calll  -150 <_nonleaf_call> ; push return address and call
  9e:   b8 00 00 00 00          movl   $0, %eax             ; return value
  a3:   c9                      leave                       ; |
  a4:   c3                      retl                        ; | epilog

; output from freebsd-9.3-x86 w/ gcc 4.2.1

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   55                      push   %ebp
   1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   3:   5d                      pop    %ebp
   4:   c3                      ret
   5:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
   9:   8d bc 27 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%edi),%edi

00000010 <nonleaf_call>:
  10:   55                      push   %ebp                   ; |
  11:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp              ; | prolog
  13:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp             ; |
  16:   81 ec f0 00 00 00       sub    $0xf0,%esp             ; alloca(220) - with padding for 16b alignment
  1c:   8d 44 24 1c             lea    0x1c(%esp),%eax        ; |
  20:   89 45 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%ebp)        ; |
  23:   8b 45 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  26:   83 c0 0f                add    $0xf,%eax              ; | start of alloca()'d memory -> eax, by ...
  29:   c1 e8 04                shr    $0x4,%eax              ; | ... using ebx and 2 pointless store/reads in local space as helper to align to 16b
  2c:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax              ; |
  2f:   89 45 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%ebp)        ; |
  32:   8b 45 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  35:   c6 00 4c                movb   $0x4c,(%eax)           ; 'L' -> alloca()'d space
  38:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  3b:   89 44 24 18             mov    %eax,0x18(%esp)        ; |
  3f:   8b 45 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  42:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)        ; |
  46:   8b 45 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  49:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)        ; |
  4d:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax        ; | read in args 1-7 from prev frame's param area, and ...
  50:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)         ; | ... "push" onto stack as arg 0-6
  54:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  57:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)         ; |
  5b:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax        ; |
  5e:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)         ; |
  62:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax         ; |
  65:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)            ; |
  68:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   69 <nonleaf_call+0x59> ; push return address and call leaf_call (objdump not from final link but .o)
  6d:   c9                      leave                         ; |
  6e:   c3                      ret                           ; | epilog
  6f:   90                      nop                           ;

00000070 <main>:
  70:   8d 4c 24 04             lea    0x4(%esp),%ecx         ; |
  74:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp       ; |
  77:   ff 71 fc                pushl  -0x4(%ecx)             ; |
  7a:   55                      push   %ebp                   ; | prolog
  7b:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp              ; |
  7d:   51                      push   %ecx                   ; |
  7e:   83 ec 24                sub    $0x24,%esp             ; |
  81:   c7 44 24 1c 07 00 00 00 movl   $0x7,0x1c(%esp)        ; arg 7 -> stack
  89:   c7 44 24 18 06 00 00 00 movl   $0x6,0x18(%esp)        ; arg 6 -> stack
  91:   c7 44 24 14 05 00 00 00 movl   $0x5,0x14(%esp)        ; arg 5 -> stack
  99:   c7 44 24 10 04 00 00 00 movl   $0x4,0x10(%esp)        ; arg 4 -> stack
  a1:   c7 44 24 0c 03 00 00 00 movl   $0x3,0xc(%esp)         ; arg 3 -> stack
  a9:   c7 44 24 08 02 00 00 00 movl   $0x2,0x8(%esp)         ; arg 2 -> stack
  b1:   c7 44 24 04 01 00 00 00 movl   $0x1,0x4(%esp)         ; arg 1 -> stack
  b9:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)            ; arg 0 -> stack
  c0:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   c1 <main+0x51>         ; push return address and call leaf_call (objdump not from final link but .o)
  c5:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax              ; return value
  ca:   83 c4 24                add    $0x24,%esp             ; |
  cd:   59                      pop    %ecx                   ; |
  ce:   5d                      pop    %ebp                   ; | epilog
  cf:   8d 61 fc                lea    -0x4(%ecx),%esp        ; |
  d2:   c3                      ret                           ; |

; output from gentoo_linux-20191029-x86 w/ gcc 8.3.0

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   55                      push   %ebp
   1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   3:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   4 <leaf_call+0x4>
   8:   05 01 00 00 00          add    $0x1,%eax
   d:   90                      nop
   e:   5d                      pop    %ebp
   f:   c3                      ret

00000010 <nonleaf_call>:
  10:   55                      push   %ebp
  11:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
  13:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp
  16:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   17 <nonleaf_call+0x7>
  1b:   05 01 00 00 00          add    $0x1,%eax
  20:   65 a1 14 00 00 00       mov    %gs:0x14,%eax
  26:   89 45 f4                mov    %eax,-0xc(%ebp)
  29:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
  2b:   b8 10 00 00 00          mov    $0x10,%eax
  30:   48                      dec    %eax
  31:   05 e8 00 00 00          add    $0xe8,%eax
  36:   b9 10 00 00 00          mov    $0x10,%ecx
  3b:   ba 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%edx
  40:   f7 f1                   div    %ecx
  42:   6b c0 10                imul   $0x10,%eax,%eax
  45:   29 c4                   sub    %eax,%esp
  47:   89 e0                   mov    %esp,%eax
  49:   83 c0 0f                add    $0xf,%eax
  4c:   c1 e8 04                shr    $0x4,%eax
  4f:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax
  52:   c6 00 4c                movb   $0x4c,(%eax)
  55:   83 ec 04                sub    $0x4,%esp
  58:   ff 75 24                pushl  0x24(%ebp)
  5b:   ff 75 20                pushl  0x20(%ebp)
  5e:   ff 75 1c                pushl  0x1c(%ebp)
  61:   ff 75 18                pushl  0x18(%ebp)
  64:   ff 75 14                pushl  0x14(%ebp)
  67:   ff 75 10                pushl  0x10(%ebp)
  6a:   ff 75 0c                pushl  0xc(%ebp)
  6d:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   6e <nonleaf_call+0x5e>
  72:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
  75:   90                      nop
  76:   8b 45 f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax
  79:   65 33 05 14 00 00 00    xor    %gs:0x14,%eax
  80:   74 05                   je     87 <nonleaf_call+0x77>
  82:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   83 <nonleaf_call+0x73>
  87:   c9                      leave
  88:   c3                      ret

00000089 <main>:
  89:   8d 4c 24 04             lea    0x4(%esp),%ecx    ; |
  8d:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp  ; |
  90:   ff 71 fc                pushl  -0x4(%ecx)        ; |
  93:   55                      push   %ebp              ; |
  94:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp         ; | prolog (with some stack protection check call, I think)
  96:   51                      push   %ecx              ; |
  97:   83 ec 04                sub    $0x4,%esp         ; |
  9a:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   9b <main+0x12>    ; |       unsure@@@ call of stackguard stuff, maybe?. (objdump not from final link but .o)
  9f:   05 01 00 00 00          add    $0x1,%eax         ; |       ??? add 1 to ret val from unknown call
  a4:   6a 07                   push   $0x7              ; arg 7 -> stack
  a6:   6a 06                   push   $0x6              ; arg 6 -> stack
  a8:   6a 05                   push   $0x5              ; arg 5 -> stack
  aa:   6a 04                   push   $0x4              ; arg 4 -> stack
  ac:   6a 03                   push   $0x3              ; arg 3 -> stack
  ae:   6a 02                   push   $0x2              ; arg 2 -> stack
  b0:   6a 01                   push   $0x1              ; arg 1 -> stack
  b2:   6a 00                   push   $0x0              ; arg 0 -> stack
  b4:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   b5 <main+0x2c>    ; push return address and call nonleaf_call (objdump not from final link but .o)
  b9:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp        ; ???
  bc:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax         ; return value
  c1:   8b 4d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ecx   ; |           ???
  c4:   c9                      leave                    ; |
  c5:   8d 61 fc                lea    -0x4(%ecx),%esp   ; | epilog    ???
  c8:   c3                      ret                      ; |

; output from haiku w/ gcc 4.4.4

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   55                      push   %ebp
   1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   3:   5d                      pop    %ebp
   4:   c3                      ret

00000005 <nonleaf_call>:
   5:   55                      push   %ebp
   6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   8:   53                      push   %ebx
   9:   83 ec 04                sub    $0x4,%esp
   c:   e8 00 00 00 00          call   11 <nonleaf_call+0xc>
  11:   5b                      pop    %ebx
  12:   81 c3 03 00 00 00       add    $0x3,%ebx
  18:   81 ec f0 00 00 00       sub    $0xf0,%esp
  1e:   89 e0                   mov    %esp,%eax
  20:   83 c0 0f                add    $0xf,%eax
  23:   c1 e8 04                shr    $0x4,%eax
  26:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax
  29:   c6 00 4c                movb   $0x4c,(%eax)
  2c:   83 ec 04                sub    $0x4,%esp
  2f:   ff 75 24                pushl  0x24(%ebp)
  32:   ff 75 20                pushl  0x20(%ebp)
  35:   ff 75 1c                pushl  0x1c(%ebp)
  38:   ff 75 18                pushl  0x18(%ebp)
  3b:   ff 75 14                pushl  0x14(%ebp)
  3e:   ff 75 10                pushl  0x10(%ebp)
  41:   ff 75 0c                pushl  0xc(%ebp)
  44:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   45 <nonleaf_call+0x40>
  49:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
  4c:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx
  4f:   c9                      leave
  50:   c3                      ret

00000051 <main>:
  51:   8d 4c 24 04             lea    0x4(%esp),%ecx
  55:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
  58:   ff 71 fc                pushl  -0x4(%ecx)
  5b:   55                      push   %ebp
  5c:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
  5e:   53                      push   %ebx
  5f:   51                      push   %ecx
  60:   e8 00 00 00 00          call   65 <main+0x14>
  65:   5b                      pop    %ebx
  66:   81 c3 03 00 00 00       add    $0x3,%ebx
  6c:   6a 07                   push   $0x7
  6e:   6a 06                   push   $0x6
  70:   6a 05                   push   $0x5
  72:   6a 04                   push   $0x4
  74:   6a 03                   push   $0x3
  76:   6a 02                   push   $0x2
  78:   6a 01                   push   $0x1
  7a:   6a 00                   push   $0x0
  7c:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   7d <main+0x2c>
  81:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
  84:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  89:   8d 65 f8                lea    -0x8(%ebp),%esp
  8c:   83 c4 00                add    $0x0,%esp
  8f:   59                      pop    %ecx
  90:   5b                      pop    %ebx
  91:   5d                      pop    %ebp
  92:   8d 61 fc                lea    -0x4(%ecx),%esp
  95:   c3                      ret

; output from nexenta-1.0.1-b85-x86 w/ gcc 4.0.3

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   55                      push   %ebp
   1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   3:   c9                      leave
   4:   c3                      ret

00000005 <nonleaf_call>:
   5:   55                      push   %ebp
   6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   8:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp
   b:   81 ec f0 00 00 00       sub    $0xf0,%esp
  11:   89 65 fc                mov    %esp,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
  14:   8b 45 fc                mov    0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax
  17:   83 c0 0f                add    $0xf,%eax
  1a:   c1 e8 04                shr    $0x4,%eax
  1d:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax
  20:   89 45 fc                mov    %eax,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
  23:   8b 45 fc                mov    0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax
  26:   c6 00 4c                movb   $0x4c,(%eax)
  29:   ff 75 24                pushl  0x24(%ebp)
  2c:   ff 75 20                pushl  0x20(%ebp)
  2f:   ff 75 1c                pushl  0x1c(%ebp)
  32:   ff 75 18                pushl  0x18(%ebp)
  35:   ff 75 14                pushl  0x14(%ebp)
  38:   ff 75 10                pushl  0x10(%ebp)
  3b:   ff 75 0c                pushl  0xc(%ebp)
  3e:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   3f <nonleaf_call+0x3a>
  43:   83 c4 1c                add    $0x1c,%esp
  46:   c9                      leave
  47:   c3                      ret

00000048 <main>:
  48:   55                      push   %ebp
  49:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
  4b:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp
  4e:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
  51:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  56:   83 c0 0f                add    $0xf,%eax
  59:   83 c0 0f                add    $0xf,%eax
  5c:   c1 e8 04                shr    $0x4,%eax
  5f:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax
  62:   29 c4                   sub    %eax,%esp
  64:   6a 07                   push   $0x7
  66:   6a 06                   push   $0x6
  68:   6a 05                   push   $0x5
  6a:   6a 04                   push   $0x4
  6c:   6a 03                   push   $0x3
  6e:   6a 02                   push   $0x2
  70:   6a 01                   push   $0x1
  72:   6a 00                   push   $0x0
  74:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   75 <main+0x2d>
  79:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
  7c:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  81:   c9                      leave
  82:   c3                      ret

; output from openbsd-4.0-x86 w/ gcc 3.3.5 (propolice)

00000000 <leaf_call>:
   0:   55                      push   %ebp
   1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   3:   c9                      leave
   4:   c3                      ret

00000005 <nonleaf_call>:
   5:   55                      push   %ebp
   6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
   8:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp
   b:   a1 00 00 00 00          mov    0x0,%eax
  10:   89 45 e8                mov    %eax,0xffffffe8(%ebp)
  13:   81 ec e0 00 00 00       sub    $0xe0,%esp
  19:   89 e0                   mov    %esp,%eax
  1b:   c6 00 4c                movb   $0x4c,(%eax)
  1e:   83 ec 04                sub    $0x4,%esp
  21:   ff 75 24                pushl  0x24(%ebp)
  24:   ff 75 20                pushl  0x20(%ebp)
  27:   ff 75 1c                pushl  0x1c(%ebp)
  2a:   ff 75 18                pushl  0x18(%ebp)
  2d:   ff 75 14                pushl  0x14(%ebp)
  30:   ff 75 10                pushl  0x10(%ebp)
  33:   ff 75 0c                pushl  0xc(%ebp)
  36:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   37 <nonleaf_call+0x32>
  3b:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
  3e:   8b 45 e8                mov    0xffffffe8(%ebp),%eax
  41:   3b 05 00 00 00 00       cmp    0x0,%eax
  47:   74 13                   je     5c <nonleaf_call+0x57>
  49:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp
  4c:   ff 75 e8                pushl  0xffffffe8(%ebp)
  4f:   68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
  54:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   55 <nonleaf_call+0x50>
  59:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp
  5c:   c9                      leave
  5d:   c3                      ret

0000005e <main>:
  5e:   55                      push   %ebp
  5f:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
  61:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp
  64:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
  67:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  6c:   29 c4                   sub    %eax,%esp
  6e:   a1 00 00 00 00          mov    0x0,%eax
  73:   89 45 e8                mov    %eax,0xffffffe8(%ebp)
  76:   6a 07                   push   $0x7
  78:   6a 06                   push   $0x6
  7a:   6a 05                   push   $0x5
  7c:   6a 04                   push   $0x4
  7e:   6a 03                   push   $0x3
  80:   6a 02                   push   $0x2
  82:   6a 01                   push   $0x1
  84:   6a 00                   push   $0x0
  86:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   87 <main+0x29>
  8b:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
  8e:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  93:   8b 55 e8                mov    0xffffffe8(%ebp),%edx
  96:   3b 15 00 00 00 00       cmp    0x0,%edx
  9c:   74 13                   je     b1 <main+0x53>
  9e:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp
  a1:   ff 75 e8                pushl  0xffffffe8(%ebp)
  a4:   68 0d 00 00 00          push   $0xd
  a9:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   aa <main+0x4c>
  ae:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp
  b1:   c9                      leave
  b2:   c3                      ret

; @@@ windows missing

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