view doc/README.CMake @ 425:2d9f1cb06352

- dynload: corrected comparison of size of optional PE header info to what is pointed to (ptr arithmetic was incorrect, only broke ReactOS builds and runtime, though)
author Tassilo Philipp
date Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:50:58 +0100
parents 3e629dc19168
line wrap: on
line source

Notes on building DynCall with CMake

Build with CMake (in-source)

cd <dyncall-source-dir>

On Unix:
  cmake .

On Windows:
  cmake . -G "NMake Makefiles"
  nmake /f Makefile

  NOTE: Assembly Support is broken for Visual Studio Generators in CMake
        So we support NMake for now only.

Install in a specific location
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<absolute-path>

Tested settings
- CMake Unix Makefile generators on Mac OS X and Linux.

Using from other CMake-based projects
Under buildsys/cmake/Modules you find some Find*() scripts
which you might find useful.

Make Universal Binary
cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="i386;x86_64;ppc"

CMake Framework
The project name is "DynCall".
Each library in the source tree represents a target (not a sub-project!).
Support scripts for 'find_package' are at buildsys/cmake/Modules.

find_package( [DynLoad | DynCall | DynCallback] ) 

will set the variables:


Using dyncall libraries in other CMake projects
find_package(DynLoad REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries( ... ${DynLoad_LIBRARIES})

Use as sub-project within CMake top-level project

set(DynLoad_DIR ${DynCall_SOURCE_DIR}/dynload)
set(DynCall_DIR ${DynCall_SOURCE_DIR}/dyncall)
set(DynCallback_DIR ${DynCall_SOURCE_DIR}/dyncallback)

has the effect, that the 'find_package' works from within the project source 

Building for SPARC64 Architectures

Supported Compilers: GCC, SunPro
Add -m64 to C, C++ and ASM flags, e.g.