changeset 60:8e905c0798c7

- p2Z() helper func - import fix for test code avoiding potential circular import
author Tassilo Philipp
date Wed, 03 Aug 2022 15:38:07 +0200 (2022-08-03)
parents 2725de59454a
children c5a69c454963
files python/pydc/README.txt python/pydc/pydc.c python/pydc/pydc.pyi python/pydc/ python/pydc/test/Makefile python/pydc/test/ python/pydc/test/
diffstat 7 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/python/pydc/README.txt	Tue Jun 22 18:49:02 2021 +0200
+++ b/python/pydc/README.txt	Wed Aug 03 15:38:07 2022 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 dyncall python bindings
 Copyright 2007-2016 Daniel Adler
-          2018-2020 Tassilo Philipp
+          2018-2022 Tassilo Philipp
 Dec  4, 2007: initial
 Mar 22, 2016: update to dyncall 0.9, includes breaking sig char changes
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@
 Jan 23, 2021: update to dyncall 1.2 (only version bump)
 Feb  2, 2021: added callback support (comes with some bigger refactoring);
               allow CPython's Py{CObject,Capsule} to be used as 'p'ointers
+Aug  3, 2022: added p2Z() helper function (e.g. helpful when working with
+			  string 'p'ointers that eventually need to be free()'d, as no
+			  implicit 'Z' conversion is taking place)
@@ -115,6 +121,7 @@
   '_' | prefix indicating that next signature character specifies calling convention; char is one of the following
   ':' | platform's default calling convention
+  '*' | platform's default thiscall (C++ methods) calling convention, first argument of a call is the this pointer
   'e' | vararg function
   '.' | vararg function's variadic/ellipsis part (...), to be specified before first vararg
   'c' | only on x86: cdecl
@@ -136,6 +143,7 @@
 - stub location: the pydc-stubs folder isn't picked up by mypy, so I question why this is the suggested way
 - get into freebsd ports
 - releasing GIL when calling into C code (*only* when none of the arguments is a mutable buffer, though)
+- support for new dyncall aggregate-by-value interface
--- a/python/pydc/pydc.c	Tue Jun 22 18:49:02 2021 +0200
+++ b/python/pydc/pydc.c	Wed Aug 03 15:38:07 2022 +0200
@@ -733,6 +733,20 @@
+/* helper creating a string from a pointer handle (Py_ssize_t, must point to
+ * string data); this makes it easier to use C functions that allocate memory,
+ * retrieve the handle via 'p' in order to call free() on it later, and get the
+ * string it points to
+ */
+static PyObject*
+pydc_p2Z(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
+	size_t p;
+	if(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "n", &p))
+		return Py_BuildValue("s", (const char*)p);
 // module deinit
@@ -772,6 +786,7 @@
 		{"call",          pydc_call,          METH_VARARGS, "call function"    },
 		{"new_callback",  pydc_new_callback,  METH_VARARGS, "new callback obj" }, // @@@ doc: only functions, not every callable, and only with positional args
 		{"free_callback", pydc_free_callback, METH_VARARGS, "free callback obj"},
+		{"p2Z",           pydc_p2Z,           METH_VARARGS, "ptr to C-string"  }, // helper func
--- a/python/pydc/pydc.pyi	Tue Jun 22 18:49:02 2021 +0200
+++ b/python/pydc/pydc.pyi	Wed Aug 03 15:38:07 2022 +0200
@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@
 def call(funcptr: H, signature: str, *arguments: Any) -> Any: ...
 def new_callback(c_signature: str, f: Callable) -> H: ...  # note: only callbacks with positional args
 def free_callback(cbhandle: H) -> None: ...
+def p2Z(ptr: int) -> Optional[str]: ...  # note: only correct for python 3
--- a/python/pydc/	Tue Jun 22 18:49:02 2021 +0200
+++ b/python/pydc/	Wed Aug 03 15:38:07 2022 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   name             = 'pydc'
-, version          = '1.2.5'
+, version          = '1.2.6'
 , author           = 'Daniel Adler, Tassilo Philipp'
 , author_email     = ','
 , maintainer       = 'Daniel Adler, Tassilo Philipp'
--- a/python/pydc/test/Makefile	Tue Jun 22 18:49:02 2021 +0200
+++ b/python/pydc/test/Makefile	Wed Aug 03 15:38:07 2022 +0200
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 		echo "$$i `echo $$i | sed -E 's/\*/ p/;s/(^| )([a-z])[^ ]*/\2/g'`_plus_one($$i v) { return v+1; }"; \
 	done; \
 	echo 'void cp_head_incr(char* v) { v[0]+=1; }') | ${CC} -`[ \`uname\` = Darwin ] && echo dynamiclib || echo shared` -x c - -o $@
-	@echo Done! Now you can run
+	@echo Done! Now you can run
--- a/python/pydc/test/	Tue Jun 22 18:49:02 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-import pydc
-import sys
-import platform
-import copy
-import types
-def theader(title):
-  print("\n"+title)
-  print('%8s %20s %16s %-20s %11s %-16s -> %16s %-16s %12s %-16s  # %s' % ('DC_SIG', 'C_RET_T', 'C_FSYM', 'C_PARAMLIST', 'PY_ARG_T', 'IN_ARGS', 'RET_VAL', 'PY_RET_T', 'OUT_ARGS', 'OUT_ARGS_T', 'NOTES'))
-def t(lib, dcsig, c_rtype, c_fsym, c_paramlist, extra_msg, **kwargs):
-  args      = kwargs['i'] if 'i' in kwargs else ()
-  post_args = kwargs['p'] if 'p' in kwargs else copy.deepcopy(args)  # expected args after call (as some can be modified in-place)
-  exp_ret   = kwargs['r'] if 'r' in kwargs else None                 # expected return value
-  err_sgr = ''
-  # before call
-  inarg_types = '('+','.join(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, args))+')'
-  inargs_str = ','.join(map(str, args))
-  # call
-  try:
-    fp = pydc.find(lib, c_fsym)
-    r =, dcsig, *args)
-    rt = type(r).__name__
-    if(r != exp_ret or args != post_args): # @@@ type test also or type(r) is not type(exp_ret)):
-        if((type(exp_ret) is not types.LambdaType) or exp_ret(r) == False):
-            err_sgr = '\033[41m'
-  except:
-    r = '[EXCEPTION]'
-    rt = '!'
-    if(exp_ret != Exception):
-        err_sgr = '\033[41m'
-    e = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
-    extra_msg += ' "'+(e if len(e)<32 else e[0:32]+'...')+'"'
-  # after call
-  outarg_types = '('+','.join(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, args))+')'
-  outargs = ','.join(map(str, args))
-  print('%s%8s %20s %16s %-20s %11s \033[33m%-16s\033[39m -> \033[32m%16.16s\033[39m %-16s %12s \033[32m%-16s\033[0m  # %s' % (err_sgr, dcsig, c_rtype, c_fsym, c_paramlist, inarg_types, inargs_str, str(r), '('+rt+')', outarg_types, outargs, extra_msg))
-  return r
-# some libc tests ------------------
-  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    libc = pydc.load(sys.argv[1])
-  elif sys.platform == "win32":
-    libc = pydc.load("msvcrt")
-  elif sys.platform == "darwin":
-    libc = pydc.load("/usr/lib/libc.dylib")
-  elif "bsd" in sys.platform:
-    libc = pydc.load("/usr/lib/")
-    #libc = pydc.load("/lib/")
-  elif platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit":
-    libc = pydc.load("/lib64/")
-  else:
-    libc = pydc.load("/lib/")
-  theader('CLIB TESTS:')
-  # void()
-  t(libc, ")v", "void", "sranddev", "(void)", '')
-  # int()
-  t(libc, ")i", "int", "rand", "(void)", '', r=lambda i: type(i) is int)
-  # void(unsigned int)
-  t(libc, "I)v", "void", "srand", "(int)", '', i=(123,))
-  # int() (and one different helper call for test)
-  x = \
-  t(libc,  ")i",  "int",  "rand", "(void)", 'with seed <------,', r=lambda i: type(i) is int)
-  t(libc, "I)v", "void", "srand", "(int)",  'set same seed    |', i=(123,))
-  t(libc,  ")i",  "int",  "rand", "(void)", 'should be same result...', r=x)
-  t(libc,  ")i",  "int",  "rand", "(void)", '...and now different result', r=lambda i: type(i) is int and i!=x)
-  # int(int)
-  t(libc, "i)i", "int", "abs", "(int)", '       10   =>   10', i=(   10,), r=10)
-  t(libc, "i)i", "int", "abs", "(int)", '        0   =>    0', i=(    0,), r=0)
-  t(libc, "i)i", "int", "abs", "(int)", '      -9209 => 9209', i=(-9209,), r=9209)
-  # long(long)
-  t(libc, "j)j", "long", "labs", "(long)", '         48 =>         48', i=(         48,), r=48)
-  t(libc, "j)j", "long", "labs", "(long)", '          0 =>          0', i=(          0,), r=0)
-  t(libc, "j)j", "long", "labs", "(long)", '-4271477497 => 4271477497', i=(-4271477497,), r=4271477497)
-  # long long(long long)
-  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", ' 6334810198 => 6334810198', i=( 6334810198,), r=6334810198)
-  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '          1 =>          1', i=(          1,), r=1)
-  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '          0 =>          0', i=(          0,), r=0)
-  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '         -1 =>          1', i=(         -1,), r=1)
-  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '-7358758407 => 7358758407', i=(-7358758407,), r=7358758407)
-  print("\033[33mskipping clib tests because: "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])+"\033[0m\nnote: c-lib to use can be specified as command line param")
-# tests with own .so for testing all conversions ------------------
-l = pydc.load(sys.path[0]+"/")
-# "long" typed test value use for Python 2
-long_i = 11234
-long_h = 0xdeadc0de
-if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
-  long_i = long(11234)
-  long_h = long(0xdeadc0de)
-# test all possible arg types and their conversions to and from python, with
-# specific focus/tests in areas where python 2 and 3 differ
-t(l, "B)B", "int",                  "i_plus_one", "(int)",                '      False =>  True (using int func in C)', i=(False,), r=True)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '   "a" (97) =>    98',                      i=(   'a',), r=98)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '   "a" (97) =>    98',                      i=(   'a',), r=98)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '         -2 =>    -1',                      i=(    -2,), r=-1)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "i)i", "int",                  "i_plus_one", "(int)",                '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "I)I", "unsigned int",        "ui_plus_one", "(unsigned int)",       '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "j)j", "long",                 "l_plus_one", "(long)",               '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "J)J", "unsigned long",       "ul_plus_one", "(unsigned long)",      '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "l)l", "long long",           "ll_plus_one", "(long long)",          '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "L)L", "unsigned long long", "ull_plus_one", "(unsigned long long)", '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
-t(l, "l)l", "long long",           "ll_plus_one", "(long long)",          '      11234 => 11235',                      i=(long_i,), r=11235)
-t(l, "L)L", "unsigned long long", "ull_plus_one", "(unsigned long long)", '      11234 => 11235',                      i=(long_i,), r=11235)
-t(l, "f)f", "float",                "f_plus_one", "(float)",              '      -1.23 => -0.23... (w/ fp imprecision)', i=( -1.23,), r=-0.23000001907348633)
-t(l, "d)d", "double",               "d_plus_one", "(double)",             '       5.67 =>  6.67',                        i=(  5.67,), r= 6.67)
-t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"lose char" => "ose char"',       i=(     'lose char',), r= 'ose char') # string object
-t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"X_unicode" => "_unicode"',       i=(    u'X_unicode',), r=u'_unicode') # string object (unicode in Python 2)
-t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"1lessbyte" => "lessbyte"',       i=(    b'1lessbyte',), r= 'lessbyte') # bytes object
-t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" =>    "Y"',           i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), r=        'Y') # bytearray object
-t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" =>    "Y"',           i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), r='Y') # bytearray object
-t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" => p+1 (~ odd addr)', i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), r=lambda i: type(i) is int and (i%2)==1) # bytearray object
-t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        ' 0xdeadc0de => 0xdeadc0de+1=3735929055',    i=(long_h,), r=3735929055) # handle (integer interpreted as ptr)
-t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        ' 0xdeadc0de => 0xdeadc0de+1=3735929055',    i=(long_h,), r=3735929055) # handle (integer interpreted as ptr, long in Python 2)
-t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       NULL => NULL+1=1',                   i=(  None,), r=1) # NULL, adding one will result in 0x1
-# functions that change buffers
-t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '   "string" => None / arg => "string"  (not modified)"', i=(        'string',)) # string object
-t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '  "UnIcOdE" => None / arg => "UnIcOdE" (not modified)"', i=(      u'UnIcOdE',)) # string object (unicode in Python 2)
-t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '   "BCssk#" => None / arg => "BCssk#"  (not modified)"', i=(       b'BCssk#',)) # bytes object
-t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" => None / arg => "xY"      (not modified)"', i=(bytearray(b'xY'),)) # bytearray object
-t(l, "p)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" => None / arg => "yY"       (!MODIFIED!)"',  i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), p=(bytearray(b'yY'),)) # bytearray object
-# tested checked value conversions
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        "~" =>    127',            i=( '~',), r=127)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        "~" =>    127',            i=( '~',), r=127)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '         "" => input exc:',        i=(  '',), r=Exception)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '         "" => input exc:',        i=(  '',), r=Exception)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '       "ab" => input exc:',        i=('ab',), r=Exception)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '       "ab" => input exc:',        i=('ab',), r=Exception)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '       -128 =>   -127',            i=(-128,), r=-127)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        127 =>   -128 (wrapped)',  i=( 127,), r=-128)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '       -129 => input exc:',        i=(-129,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        128 => input exc:',        i=( 128,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '          0 =>      1',            i=(   0,), r=1)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '        255 =>      0 (wrapped)',  i=( 255,), r=0)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '         -1 => input exc:',        i=(  -1,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '        256 => input exc:',        i=( 256,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '     -32768 => -32767',          i=(-32768,), r=-32767)
-t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '      32767 => -32768 (wrapped)',i=( 32767,), r=-32768)
-t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '     -32769 => input exc:',      i=(-32769,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '      32768 => input exc:',      i=( 32768,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '          0 =>     1',            i=(    0,), r=1)
-t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '      65535 =>     0 (wrapped)',  i=(65535,), r=0)
-t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '         -1 => input exc:',       i=(   -1,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '      65536 => input exc:',       i=(65536,), r=Exception)
-t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"w/pointer" => input exc:',i=( 'w/pointer',), r=Exception) # string object, not passable as 'p'ointer
-t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"X_unicode" => input exc:',i=(u'X_unicode',), r=Exception) # string object (unicode in Python 2), not passable as 'p'ointer
-t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"1less/ptr" => input exc:',i=(b'1less/ptr',), r=Exception) # bytes object, not passable as 'p'ointer
-t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '        "x" => input exc:',i=(         'x',), r=Exception) # string object, not passable as 'p'ointer
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/pydc/test/	Wed Aug 03 15:38:07 2022 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+import pydc
+import sys
+import platform
+import copy
+import types
+def theader(title):
+  print("\n"+title)
+  print('%8s %20s %16s %-20s %11s %-16s -> %16s %-16s %12s %-16s  # %s' % ('DC_SIG', 'C_RET_T', 'C_FSYM', 'C_PARAMLIST', 'PY_ARG_T', 'IN_ARGS', 'RET_VAL', 'PY_RET_T', 'OUT_ARGS_T', 'OUT_ARGS', 'NOTES'))
+def t(lib, dcsig, c_rtype, c_fsym, c_paramlist, extra_msg, **kwargs):
+  args      = kwargs['i'] if 'i' in kwargs else ()
+  post_args = kwargs['p'] if 'p' in kwargs else copy.deepcopy(args)  # expected args after call (as some can be modified in-place)
+  exp_ret   = kwargs['r'] if 'r' in kwargs else None                 # expected return value
+  err_sgr = ''
+  # before call
+  inarg_types = '('+','.join(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, args))+')'
+  inargs_str = ','.join(map(str, args))
+  # call
+  try:
+    fp = pydc.find(lib, c_fsym)
+    r =, dcsig, *args)
+    rt = type(r).__name__
+    if(r != exp_ret or args != post_args): # @@@ type test also or type(r) is not type(exp_ret)):
+        if((type(exp_ret) is not types.LambdaType) or exp_ret(r) == False):
+            err_sgr = '\033[41m'
+  except:
+    r = '[EXCEPTION]'
+    rt = '!'
+    if(exp_ret != Exception):
+        err_sgr = '\033[41m'
+    e = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
+    extra_msg += ' "'+(e if len(e)<32 else e[0:32]+'...')+'"'
+  # after call
+  outarg_types = '('+','.join(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, args))+')'
+  outargs = ','.join(map(str, args))
+  print('%s%8s %20s %16s %-20s %11s \033[33m%-16s\033[39m -> \033[32m%16.16s\033[39m %-16s %12s \033[32m%-16s\033[0m  # %s' % (err_sgr, dcsig, c_rtype, c_fsym, c_paramlist, inarg_types, inargs_str, str(r), '('+rt+')', outarg_types, outargs, extra_msg))
+  return r
+# some libc tests ------------------
+  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    libc = pydc.load(sys.argv[1])
+  elif sys.platform == "win32":
+    libc = pydc.load("msvcrt")
+  elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+    libc = pydc.load("/usr/lib/libc.dylib")
+  elif "bsd" in sys.platform:
+    libc = pydc.load("/usr/lib/")
+    #libc = pydc.load("/lib/")
+  elif platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit":
+    libc = pydc.load("/lib64/")
+  else:
+    libc = pydc.load("/lib/")
+  theader('CLIB TESTS:')
+  # void()
+  t(libc, ")v", "void", "sranddev", "(void)", '')
+  # int()
+  t(libc, ")i", "int", "rand", "(void)", '', r=lambda i: type(i) is int)
+  # void(unsigned int)
+  t(libc, "I)v", "void", "srand", "(int)", '', i=(123,))
+  # int() (and one different helper call for test)
+  x = \
+  t(libc,  ")i",  "int",  "rand", "(void)", 'with seed <------,', r=lambda i: type(i) is int)
+  t(libc, "I)v", "void", "srand", "(int)",  'set same seed    |', i=(123,))
+  t(libc,  ")i",  "int",  "rand", "(void)", 'should be same result...', r=x)
+  t(libc,  ")i",  "int",  "rand", "(void)", '...and now different result', r=lambda i: type(i) is int and i!=x)
+  # int(int)
+  t(libc, "i)i", "int", "abs", "(int)", '       10   =>   10', i=(   10,), r=10)
+  t(libc, "i)i", "int", "abs", "(int)", '        0   =>    0', i=(    0,), r=0)
+  t(libc, "i)i", "int", "abs", "(int)", '      -9209 => 9209', i=(-9209,), r=9209)
+  # long(long)
+  t(libc, "j)j", "long", "labs", "(long)", '         48 =>         48', i=(         48,), r=48)
+  t(libc, "j)j", "long", "labs", "(long)", '          0 =>          0', i=(          0,), r=0)
+  t(libc, "j)j", "long", "labs", "(long)", '-4271477497 => 4271477497', i=(-4271477497,), r=4271477497)
+  # long long(long long)
+  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", ' 6334810198 => 6334810198', i=( 6334810198,), r=6334810198)
+  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '          1 =>          1', i=(          1,), r=1)
+  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '          0 =>          0', i=(          0,), r=0)
+  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '         -1 =>          1', i=(         -1,), r=1)
+  t(libc, "l)l", "long long", "labs", "(long long)", '-7358758407 => 7358758407', i=(-7358758407,), r=7358758407)
+  print("\033[33mskipping clib tests because: "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])+"\033[0m\nnote: c-lib to use can be specified as command line param")
+# tests with own .so for testing all conversions ------------------
+l = pydc.load(sys.path[0]+"/")
+# "long" typed test value use for Python 2
+long_i = 11234
+long_h = 0xdeadc0de
+if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+  long_i = long(11234)
+  long_h = long(0xdeadc0de)
+# test all possible arg types and their conversions to and from python, with
+# specific focus/tests in areas where python 2 and 3 differ
+t(l, "B)B", "int",                  "i_plus_one", "(int)",                '      False =>  True (using int func in C)', i=(False,), r=True)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '   "a" (97) =>    98',                      i=(   'a',), r=98)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '   "a" (97) =>    98',                      i=(   'a',), r=98)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '         -2 =>    -1',                      i=(    -2,), r=-1)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "i)i", "int",                  "i_plus_one", "(int)",                '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "I)I", "unsigned int",        "ui_plus_one", "(unsigned int)",       '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "j)j", "long",                 "l_plus_one", "(long)",               '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "J)J", "unsigned long",       "ul_plus_one", "(unsigned long)",      '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "l)l", "long long",           "ll_plus_one", "(long long)",          '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "L)L", "unsigned long long", "ull_plus_one", "(unsigned long long)", '         10 =>    11',                      i=(    10,), r=11)
+t(l, "l)l", "long long",           "ll_plus_one", "(long long)",          '      11234 => 11235',                      i=(long_i,), r=11235)
+t(l, "L)L", "unsigned long long", "ull_plus_one", "(unsigned long long)", '      11234 => 11235',                      i=(long_i,), r=11235)
+t(l, "f)f", "float",                "f_plus_one", "(float)",              '      -1.23 => -0.23... (w/ fp imprecision)', i=( -1.23,), r=-0.23000001907348633)
+t(l, "d)d", "double",               "d_plus_one", "(double)",             '       5.67 =>  6.67',                        i=(  5.67,), r= 6.67)
+t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"lose char" => "ose char"',       i=(     'lose char',), r= 'ose char') # string object
+t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"X_unicode" => "_unicode"',       i=(    u'X_unicode',), r=u'_unicode') # string object (unicode in Python 2)
+t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"1lessbyte" => "lessbyte"',       i=(    b'1lessbyte',), r= 'lessbyte') # bytes object
+t(l, "Z)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" =>    "Y"',           i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), r=        'Y') # bytearray object
+t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" =>    "Y"',           i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), r='Y') # bytearray object
+t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" => p+1 (~ odd addr)', i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), r=lambda i: type(i) is int and (i%2)==1) # bytearray object
+t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        ' 0xdeadc0de => 0xdeadc0de+1=3735929055',    i=(long_h,), r=3735929055) # handle (integer interpreted as ptr)
+t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        ' 0xdeadc0de => 0xdeadc0de+1=3735929055',    i=(long_h,), r=3735929055) # handle (integer interpreted as ptr, long in Python 2)
+t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       NULL => NULL+1=1',                   i=(  None,), r=1) # NULL, adding one will result in 0x1
+# helper func to test p2Z
+t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" => "Y"        (after p2Z())', i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), r=lambda i: type(i) is int and pydc.p2Z(i) == 'Y')
+t(l, "Z)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '       "Y"  => ""         (after p2Z())', i=(             'Y',), r=lambda i: type(i) is int and pydc.p2Z(i) == '')
+t(l, "Z)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"X_unicode" => "_unicode" (after p2Z())', i=(    u'X_unicode',), r=lambda i: type(i) is int and pydc.p2Z(i) == '_unicode')
+t(l, "Z)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"1lessbyte" => "lessbyte" (after p2Z())', i=(    b'1lessbyte',), r=lambda i: type(i) is int and pydc.p2Z(i) == 'lessbyte')
+t(l, "j)p", "long",                 "l_plus_one", "(long)",               '      -0x1   => ""        (after p2Z())', i=(            -0x1,), r=lambda i: type(i) is int and pydc.p2Z(i) == None)
+# functions that change buffers
+t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '   "string" => None / arg => "string"  (not modified)"', i=(        'string',)) # string object
+t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '  "UnIcOdE" => None / arg => "UnIcOdE" (not modified)"', i=(      u'UnIcOdE',)) # string object (unicode in Python 2)
+t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '   "BCssk#" => None / arg => "BCssk#"  (not modified)"', i=(       b'BCssk#',)) # bytes object
+t(l, "Z)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" => None / arg => "xY"      (not modified)"', i=(bytearray(b'xY'),)) # bytearray object
+t(l, "p)v", "const char*",        "cp_head_incr", "(const char*)",        '       "xY" => None / arg => "yY"       (!MODIFIED!)"',  i=(bytearray(b'xY'),), p=(bytearray(b'yY'),)) # bytearray object
+# tested checked value conversions
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        "~" =>    127',            i=( '~',), r=127)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        "~" =>    127',            i=( '~',), r=127)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '         "" => input exc:',        i=(  '',), r=Exception)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '         "" => input exc:',        i=(  '',), r=Exception)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '       "ab" => input exc:',        i=('ab',), r=Exception)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '       "ab" => input exc:',        i=('ab',), r=Exception)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '       -128 =>   -127',            i=(-128,), r=-127)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        127 =>   -128 (wrapped)',  i=( 127,), r=-128)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '       -129 => input exc:',        i=(-129,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "c)c", "char",                 "c_plus_one", "(char)",               '        128 => input exc:',        i=( 128,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '          0 =>      1',            i=(   0,), r=1)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '        255 =>      0 (wrapped)',  i=( 255,), r=0)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '         -1 => input exc:',        i=(  -1,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "C)C", "unsigned char",       "uc_plus_one", "(unsigned char)",      '        256 => input exc:',        i=( 256,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '     -32768 => -32767',          i=(-32768,), r=-32767)
+t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '      32767 => -32768 (wrapped)',i=( 32767,), r=-32768)
+t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '     -32769 => input exc:',      i=(-32769,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "s)s", "short",                "s_plus_one", "(short)",              '      32768 => input exc:',      i=( 32768,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '          0 =>     1',            i=(    0,), r=1)
+t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '      65535 =>     0 (wrapped)',  i=(65535,), r=0)
+t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '         -1 => input exc:',       i=(   -1,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "S)S", "unsigned short",      "us_plus_one", "(unsigned short)",     '      65536 => input exc:',       i=(65536,), r=Exception)
+t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"w/pointer" => input exc:',i=( 'w/pointer',), r=Exception) # string object, not passable as 'p'ointer
+t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"X_unicode" => input exc:',i=(u'X_unicode',), r=Exception) # string object (unicode in Python 2), not passable as 'p'ointer
+t(l, "p)Z", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '"1less/ptr" => input exc:',i=(b'1less/ptr',), r=Exception) # bytes object, not passable as 'p'ointer
+t(l, "p)p", "const char*",        "ccp_plus_one", "(const char*)",        '        "x" => input exc:',i=(         'x',), r=Exception) # string object, not passable as 'p'ointer