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author | Tassilo Philipp |
date | Sat, 14 Nov 2020 21:18:09 +0100 |
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% \VignetteIndexEntry{Multimedia programming with R, rdyncall, libSDL and OpenGL} % \VignetteKeyword{low-level} % \VignetteKeyword{rdyncall} % \VignetteKeyword{dyncall} % \VignetteKeyword{multimedia} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{url} \begin{document} \title{Multimedia programming with R, rdyncall, libSDL and OpenGL} \author{Daniel Adler} \maketitle \section{Introduction} Via the rdyncall package it is possible to write system-level software in R. In this vignette we focus on multimedia programming in R using the SDL and OpenGL shared libraries. This vignette describes several issues involved in using the rdyncall package with C level interfaces of OpenGL and SDL. This text is not at all a reference to OpenGL or SDL. There are other much better text books and tutorials available. See \url{} and \url{} for further links to tutorials. \section{Dynamic R bindings of shared libraries} Initially, one needs to dynamically link SDL, OpenGL and OpenGL Utility Library to the R session. This can be done using the rdyncall package and the dynports. <<>>= library(rdyncall) dynport(SDL) dynport(GL) dynport(GLU) @ \section{Initialize SDL} We need to initialize the SDL library using the \verb@SDL_Init()@ function giving a bitmask of subsystems to be enabled (such as Video, Audio, Joystick etc.). <<>>= subsystems <- SDL_INIT_VIDEO SDL_Init(subsystems) @ The variable subsystem is a bitmask encoded in a double constant, also the C API expects to have an unsigned int. rdyncall cares for a correct coercion to unsigned int. By addition of several double constants, we can initialize multiple subsystems. To see what subsystems SDL offers, we can explore the SDL dynport using e.g. the apropos base R command: <<>>= apropos("SDL_INIT_") @ \section{Opening an SDL/OpenGL Video Surface} Let us open a new OpenGL Display using \verb@SDL_SetVideoMode()@. The parameters are: \begin{description} \item[width] The width in pixel. \item[height] The height in pixel \item[bpp] \item[flags] Bit flags to be combined with '+'. \verb@SDL_OPENGL@ and \verb@SDL_DOUBLEBUF@ are typical for OpenGL real-time applications. \end{description} Some useful Flags: \begin{description} \item[SDL\_OPENGL] Request an OpenGL context to be initialized for this surfacce. \item[SDL\_DOUBLEBUF] Rendering into a back buffer and allow to flip the surfaces in one shot. \item[SDL\_FULLSCREEN] Put the display in fullscreen mode. \end{description} <<eval=FALSE>>= width <- 640 height <- 480 bitsperpixel <- 32 flags <- SDL_OPENGL+SDL_DOUBLEBUF surface <- SDL_SetVideoMode(width,height,bitsperpixel,flags) @ The surface object can be printed in R: <<eval=FALSE>>= print(surface) @ \section{Clear the screen and update} To clear the display with a constant color value, one needs to specifying the \emph{clear color} first and then clear the \emph{color buffer}. <<eval=FALSE>>= glClearColor(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.0) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) @ To see the results, we need to flip the surface - all operations in \emph{double buffering} graphics mode are done in the back and will be presented in one shot to prevent semi-finished drawing artefacts. <<eval=FALSE>>= SDL_GL_SwapBuffers() @ \section{Writing the mainloop} This was interactive, but SDL and OpenGL are designed for writing multimedia applications and we do this in R. These types of applications run a simple loop such as the interactive loop of R (read-evaluate-print loop). The loop will run until the application should quit. A reference play time will be computed for each loop iteration using \verb@SDL_GetTicks()@ (divided by 1000 gives seconds). We will clear our display using a blinking color which changes intensity from black to a specified color. We drop the loop after 3 seconds. <<eval=FALSE>>= blinkspeed <- 2.0 draw <- function(t) { intensity <- t %% blinkspeed / blinkspeed glClearColor(0.8*intensity,0.6*intensity,1.0*intensity,0.0) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) } mainloop <- function() { quit <- FALSE starttime <- SDL_GetTicks() / 1000 playtime <- 0 while(!quit) { # blink the screen using an intensity blending from 0 to 1 draw(playtime) SDL_GL_SwapBuffers() # update playtime: now <- SDL_GetTicks() / 1000.0 playtime <- now - starttime # stop after three seconds if (playtime > 3.0) quit <- TRUE } } # run the loop mainloop() @ \section{Rendering 3D graphics} To render a 3D scene, one specifies the 3D projection first, sets up the camera position in space and then specifies the positions and primitive geometries such as points, lines and triangles. First we specify the attributes of our virtual camera, that is the field of view angle, the aspect ratio between width and height (which should match the one of our surface) and the near and far z-plane orthogonal to the camera center projection vector. <<eval=FALSE>>= setupProjection <- function() { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() fovy <- 60.0 aspect <- width / height znear <- 10 zfar <- 100 gluPerspective(fovy, aspect, znear, zfar) } @ Next, we need to setup the position of our camera in space using the gluLookAt API which gets three vectors eye, center and up. <<eval=FALSE>>= setupCamera <- function(eye=c(0,0,-2),center=c(0,0,0),up=c(0,1,0)) { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() gluLookAt(eye[[1]],eye[[2]],eye[[3]],center[[1]],center[[2]],center[[3]],up[[1]],up[[2]],up[[3]]) } @ What follows is a short routine to draw a million 3D coordinates generated by rnorm. <<eval=FALSE>>= draw <- function() { npoints <- 1000000 dims <- 3 data <- rnorm(npoints*dims) type <- GL_DOUBLE stride <- 0 glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER) glVertexPointer(dims,type,stride,data) stgrtindex <- 0 glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, startindex, npoints) glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER) } @ \section{Handling User-Input Events} We will exchange the default behaviour of stopping after three seconds with processing user-input events such as mouse, keyboard and joystick input or pressing the close window button. SDL uses a C structure to report user-interface events. One calls a function called \verb@SDL_PollEvent()@ given the reference of this structure. <<eval=FALSE>>= processEvents <- function(env) { evt <- new.struct(SDL_Event) quit <- FALSE while(!quit) { while( SDL_PollEvent(evt) ) { type <- evt$type if (type == SDL_QUIT) { env$quit <- TRUE } else if (type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { motion <- evt$motion cat(motion$xrel,",",motion$yrel,"\n") } } } } @ \end{document}