Mercurial > pub > dyncall > bindings
view R/scratch/structs.R @ 50:edf5c85de5ac
put pyi next to so for mypy to pick it up, directly
author | Tassilo Philipp |
date | Sat, 14 Nov 2020 21:18:09 +0100 |
parents | 0cfcc391201f |
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# struct tests: # test embedded structures and inline assignments parseStructInfos(" SDL_Rect{ssSS}x y w h ; Test{II<SDL_Rect>II}a b rect c d; ") x <- new.struct("Test") print(x) r <- new.struct("SDL_Rect") r$x <- 1 r$y <- 2 r$w <- 3 r$h <- 4 x$rect <- r # parseStructInfos(" SDL_ActiveEvent{CCC}type gain state ; SDL_keysym{CiiS}scancode sym mod unicode ; SDL_KeyboardEvent{CCC<SDL_keysym>}type which state keysym ; SDL_MouseMotionEvent{CCCSSss}type which state x y xrel yrel ; SDL_MouseButtonEvent{CCCCSS}type which button state x y ; ") g new <- function() { x <- list() class(x) <- "test" return(x) } "$<-.test" <- function(x, index, value) { cat("$<-\n") cat("nargs:", nargs(), "\n" ) x[index] <- value return(x) } "$.test" <- function(x, index) { cat("$\n") x[index] } x <- new() x$a <- 23 x$a$b <- 23 str(x) x$rect registerStructInfos(" SDL_Rect{ssSS}x y w h ; SDL_Surface{I*<SDL_PixelFormat>iiS*vi*<private_hwdata><SDL_Rect>II*<SDL_BlitMap>Ii}flags format w h pitch pixels offset hwdata clip_rect unused1 locked map format_version refcount ; ") x <- new.struct("SDL_Rect") x$x <- 10 x$y <- 10 x$w <- 100 x$h <- 100 str(x) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tests registerStructInfos("SDL_SysWMmsg{}; SDL_SysWMEvent{C*<SDL_SysWMmsg>}type msg ; ") registerStructInfos(sdlStructs) parseStructInfos("SDL_UserEvent{Ci*v*v}type code data1 data2 ;SDL_QuitEvent{C}type ;") sigs <- "SDL_UserEvent{Ci*v*v}type code data1 data2 ;SDL_QuitEvent{C}type ;" for (i in seq(along=sigs)) { if ( length(sigs[[i]]) < 2 ) next name <- sigs[[i]][[1]] # eat white spaces name <- gsub("[ \n\t]*","",name) tail <- unlist( strsplit(sigs[[i]][[2]], "\\}") ) sig <- tail[[1]] fields <- unlist( strsplit( tail[[2]], "[ \n\t]+" ) ) infos[[name]] <- list(sig, fields) infos[[name]] <- makeStructInfo(sig, fields) } return(infos) } registerStructInfos("SDL_version{CCC}major minor patch ; _SDL_TimerID{}; SDL_SysWMmsg{}; SDL_SysWMEvent{C*<SDL_SysWMmsg>}type msg ; SDL_UserEvent{Ci*v*v}type code data1 data2 ; SDL_QuitEvent{C}type ; SDL_ExposeEvent{C}type ; SDL_ResizeEvent{Cii}type w h ; SDL_JoyButtonEvent{CCCC}type which button state ; SDL_JoyHatEvent{CCCC}type which hat value ; SDL_JoyBallEvent{CCCss}type which ball xrel yrel ; SDL_JoyAxisEvent{CCCs}type which axis value ; SDL_MouseButtonEvent{CCCCSS}type which button state x y ; SDL_MouseMotionEvent{CCCSSss}type which state x y xrel yrel ; SDL_keysym{CiiS}scancode sym mod unicode ; SDL_KeyboardEvent{CCC<SDL_keysym>}type which state keysym ; SDL_ActiveEvent{CCC}type gain state ; SDL_Rect{ssSS}x y w h ; SDL_Surface{I*<SDL_PixelFormat>iiS*vi*<private_hwdata><SDL_Rect>II*<SDL_BlitMap>Ii}flags format w h pitch pixels offset hwdata clip_rect unused1 locked map format_version refcount ; ") sigs <- "SDL_ActiveEvent{CCC}type gain state ;SDL_AudioCVT{iSSd*Ciiidi}needed src_format dst_format rate_incr buf len len_cvt len_mult len_ratio filters filter_index ;" sigs <- "SDL_AudioCVT{iSSd*Ciiidi}needed src_format dst_format rate_incr buf len len_cvt len_mult len_ratio filters filter_index ;" parseStructInfos(sigs) dsadsigs <- sdlStructs sdlStructs <- " SDL_version{CCC}major minor patch ; _SDL_TimerID{}; SDL_SysWMmsg{}; SDL_SysWMEvent{C*<SDL_SysWMmsg>}type msg ; SDL_UserEvent{Ci*v*v}type code data1 data2 ; SDL_QuitEvent{C}type ; SDL_ExposeEvent{C}type ; SDL_ResizeEvent{Cii}type w h ; SDL_JoyButtonEvent{CCCC}type which button state ; SDL_JoyHatEvent{CCCC}type which hat value ; SDL_JoyBallEvent{CCCss}type which ball xrel yrel ; SDL_JoyAxisEvent{CCCs}type which axis value ; SDL_MouseButtonEvent{CCCCSS}type which button state x y ; SDL_MouseMotionEvent{CCCSSss}type which state x y xrel yrel ; SDL_keysym{CiiS}scancode sym mod unicode ; SDL_KeyboardEvent{CCC<SDL_keysym>}type which state keysym ; SDL_ActiveEvent{CCC}type gain state ; _SDL_Joystick{}; SDL_Rect{ssSS}x y w h ; WMcursor{}; SDL_Cursor{<SDL_Rect>ss*C*C*<WMcursor>}area hot_x hot_y data mask save wm_cursor ; SDL_Overlay{Iiii*S**<private_yuvhwfuncs>*<private_yuvhwdata>II}format w h planes pitches pixels hwfuncs hwdata hw_overlay UnusedBits ; private_yuvhwdata{}; private_yuvhwfuncs{}; SDL_VideoInfo{IIIIIIIIIIIII*<SDL_PixelFormat>ii}hw_available wm_available UnusedBits1 UnusedBits2 blit_hw blit_hw_CC blit_hw_A blit_sw blit_sw_CC blit_sw_A blit_fill UnusedBits3 video_mem vfmt current_w current_h ; SDL_BlitMap{}; private_hwdata{}; SDL_Color{CCCC}r g b unused ; SDL_Palette{i*<SDL_Color>}ncolors colors ; SDL_PixelFormat{*<SDL_Palette>CCCCCCCCCCIIIIIC}palette BitsPerPixel BytesPerPixel Rloss Gloss Bloss Aloss Rshift Gshift Bshift Ashift Rmask Gmask Bmask Amask colorkey alpha ; SDL_CD{iiiii}id status numtracks cur_track cur_frame track ; SDL_CDtrack{CCSII}id type unused length offset ; SDL_AudioCVT{iSSd*Ciiidi}needed src_format dst_format rate_incr buf len len_cvt len_mult len_ratio filters filter_index ; SDL_AudioSpec{iSCCSSI*p*v}freq format channels silence samples padding size callback userdata ; " old <- "SDL_version{CCC}major minor patch ; _SDL_TimerID{}; SDL_SysWMEvent{C*<SDL_SysWMmsg>}type msg ; SDL_SysWMmsg{}; SDL_UserEvent{Ci*v*v}type code data1 data2 ; SDL_QuitEvent{C}type ; SDL_ExposeEvent{C}type ; SDL_ResizeEvent{Cii}type w h ; SDL_JoyButtonEvent{CCCC}type which button state ; SDL_JoyHatEvent{CCCC}type which hat value ; SDL_JoyBallEvent{CCCss}type which ball xrel yrel ; SDL_JoyAxisEvent{CCCs}type which axis value ; SDL_MouseButtonEvent{CCCCSS}type which button state x y ; SDL_MouseMotionEvent{CCCSSss}type which state x y xrel yrel ; SDL_KeyboardEvent{CCC<SDL_keysym>}type which state keysym ; SDL_ActiveEvent{CCC}type gain state ; _SDL_Joystick{}; SDL_Cursor{<SDL_Rect>ss*C*C*<WMcursor>}area hot_x hot_y data mask save wm_cursor ; WMcursor{}; SDL_Overlay{Iiii*S**<private_yuvhwfuncs>*<private_yuvhwdata>II}format w h planes pitches pixels hwfuncs hwdata hw_overlay UnusedBits ; private_yuvhwdata{}; private_yuvhwfuncs{}; SDL_VideoInfo{IIIIIIIIIIIII*<SDL_PixelFormat>ii}hw_available wm_available UnusedBits1 UnusedBits2 blit_hw blit_hw_CC blit_hw_A blit_sw blit_sw_CC blit_sw_A blit_fill UnusedBits3 video_mem vfmt current_w current_h ; SDL_Surface{I*<SDL_PixelFormat>iiS*vi*<private_hwdata><SDL_Rect>II*<SDL_BlitMap>Ii}flags format w h pitch pixels offset hwdata clip_rect unused1 locked map format_version refcount ; SDL_BlitMap{}; private_hwdata{}; SDL_PixelFormat{*<SDL_Palette>CCCCCCCCCCIIIIIC}palette BitsPerPixel BytesPerPixel Rloss Gloss Bloss Aloss Rshift Gshift Bshift Ashift Rmask Gmask Bmask Amask colorkey alpha ; SDL_Palette{i*<SDL_Color>}ncolors colors ; SDL_Color{CCCC}r g b unused ; SDL_Rect{ssSS}x y w h ; SDL_keysym{CiiS}scancode sym mod unicode ; SDL_CD{iiiii}id status numtracks cur_track cur_frame track ; SDL_CDtrack{CCSII}id type unused length offset ; SDL_AudioCVT{iSSd*Ciiidi}needed src_format dst_format rate_incr buf len len_cvt len_mult len_ratio filters filter_index ; SDL_AudioSpec{iSCCSSI*p*v}freq format channels silence samples padding size callback userdata ; SDL_RWops{*p*p*p*pI<$_7>}seek read write close type hidden ; SDL_Thread{}; SDL_cond{}; SDL_semaphore{}; SDL_mutex{}; _SDL_iconv_t{}; lldiv_t{ll}quot rem ; ldiv_t{jj}quot rem ; div_t{ii}quot rem ; _iobuf{*ci*ciiii*c}_ptr _cnt _base _flag _file _charbuf _bufsiz _tmpfname ; $_8{i*v<$_9>}append h buffer ; $_10{i*<_iobuf>}autoclose fp ; $_11{*C*C*C}base here stop ; $_12{*v}data1 ; $_9{*vii}data size left ; " .types <- list() setStruct <- function(name, ...) { x <- list(...) class(x) <- c("struct","type") .types[[name]] <<- x } setUnion <- function(name, ...) { x <- list(...) class(x) <- c("union","type") .types[[name]] <<- x } getType <- function(name) { .types[[name]] } setStruct("SDL_keysym", scancode="C", sym="i", mod="i", unicode="S" ) setStruct("SDL_KeyboardEvent", type="C", which="C", state="C", keysym="{SDL_keysym}") parseTypeSignature("SDL_Event|C<SDL_ActiveEvent><SDL_KeyboardEvent><SDL_MouseMotionEvent><SDL_MouseButtonEvent><SDL_JoyAxisEvent><SDL_JoyBallEvent><SDL_JoyHatEvent><SDL_JoyButtonEvent><SDL_ResizeEvent><SDL_ExposeEvent><SDL_QuitEvent><SDL_UserEvent><SDL_SysWMEvent>|type active key motion button jaxis jball jhat jbutton resize expose quit user syswm ;") setUnion("SDL_Event", type="uchar", action="SDL_ActiveEvent", key="SDL_KeyboardEvent", motion="SDL_MouseMotionEvent", button="SDL_MouseButtonEvent", jaxis="SDL_JoyAxisEvent", jball="SDL_JoyBallEvent", jbutton="SDL_JoyButtonEvent", resize="SDL_ResizeEvent", expose="SDL_ExposeEvent", quit="SDL_QuitEvent", user="SDL_UserEvent", syswm="SDL_SysWMEvent") .sizeof <- c( B=.Machine$sizeof.long, c=1L, C=1L, s=2L, S=2L, i=.Machine$sizeof.long, I=.Machine$sizeof.long, j=.Machine$sizeof.long, J=.Machine$sizeof.long, l=.Machine$sizeof.longlong, L=.Machine$sizeof.longlong, f=4L, d=8L, "*"=.Machine$sizeof.pointer, p=.Machine$sizeof.pointer, x=.Machine$sizeof.pointer, Z=.Machine$sizeof.pointer, v=0L ) align <- function(start, type) { start %% sizeof(x) } sizeof <- function(x) { first <- substr(x,1,1) if (first == "<") { if ( substr(x, nchar(x), nchar(x) ) != ">" ) stop("invalid signature") typeName <- substr(x,2,nchar(x)-2) sizeof(getType(typeName)) } else { .sizeof[[substr(x, 1,1)]] } } sizeof.struct <- function(x) { total <- 0L for(i in x) { size <- sizeof(i) total <- total + total %% size + size } return(total) } sizeof(struct("iii")) sizeof(union("iii"))