view python/pydc/README.txt @ 40:1d50532dce12

- added syscall support to shdc - general cleanup and refactoring
author Tassilo Philipp
date Tue, 14 Apr 2020 17:44:04 +0200
parents 8c8f848131c6
children 0f86a5ecfe61
line wrap: on
line source

dyncall python bindings
Copyright 2007-2016 Daniel Adler
          2018-2020 Tassilo Philipp

Dec  4, 2007: initial
Mar 22, 2016: update to dyncall 0.9, includes breaking sig char changes
Apr 19, 2018: update to dyncall 1.0
Apr  7, 2020: update to dyncall 1.1, Python 3 support, using the Capsule
              API, as well as support for python unicode strings
Apr 11, 2020: support for getting loaded library path
Apr 12, 2020: breaking change: restrict 'Z' conversions to immutable types
              and 'p' to mutable types (and handles)
Apr 13, 2020: added signature char support to specify calling conventions


1) make sure dyncall is built and libraries/headers are in include paths or
   CFLAGS points to them, etc.

2) Build and install this extension with:

     python install

Building a wheel package isn't supported, currently.


libhandle = load(libpath)               # if path == None => handle to running process
libpath   = get_path(libhandle)         # if handle == None => path to executable
funcptr   = find(libhandle, symbolname)
call(funcptr, signature, ...)

Note that there are no functions to set the calling convention mode. However,
it can be set using the signature.
Not specifying any calling convention in the signature string will use the
platform's default one.


  ignoring calling convention mode switching for simplicity, the signature is
  a string with the following format (using * as regex-like repetition):


  where x is positional parameter-type charcode (per argument), y is result-type charcode

  SIG | FROM PYTHON 2                   | FROM PYTHON 3                   | C/C++                           | TO PYTHON 2                          | TO PYTHON 3
  'v' |                                 |                                 | void                            | None (Py_None) (e.g. ret of "...)v") | None (Py_None) (e.g. ret of "...)v")
  'B' | bool (PyBool)                   | bool (PyBool)                 # | int/bool                        | bool (PyBool)                        | bool (PyBool)                        @
  'c' | int (PyInt)                   % | int (PyLong)                  % | char                            | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
      | str (with only a single char) % | str (with only a single char) % | char                            | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  'C' | int (PyInt)                   % | int (PyLong)                  % | unsigned char                   | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
      | str (with only a single char) % | str (with only a single char) % | unsigned char                   | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  's' | int (PyInt)                   % | int (PyLong)                  % | short                           | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  'S' | int (PyInt)                   % | int (PyLong)                  % | unsigned short                  | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  'i' | int (PyInt)                     | int (PyLong)                    | int                             | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  'I' | int (PyInt)                     | int (PyLong)                    | unsigned int                    | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  'j' | int (PyInt)                     | int (PyLong)                    | long                            | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  'J' | int (PyInt)                     | int (PyLong)                    | unsigned long                   | int (PyInt)                          | int (PyLong)
  'l' | int (PyInt)                     | int (PyLongLong)                | long long                       | long (PyLong)                        | int (PyLong)
      | long (PyLong)                   | -                               | long long                       | long (PyLong)                        | int (PyLong)
  'L' | int (PyInt)                     | int (PyLongLong)                | unsigned long long              | long (PyLong)                        | int (PyLong)
      | long (PyLong)                   | -                               | unsigned long long              | long (PyLong)                        | int (PyLong)
  'f' | float (PyFloat)               $ | float (PyFloat)               $ | float                           | float (PyFloat)                    ^ | float (PyFloat)                      ^
  'd' | float (PyFloat)                 | float (PyFloat)                 | double                          | float (PyFloat)                      | float (PyFloat)
  'p' | bytearray (PyByteArray)       & | bytearray (PyByteArray)       & | void*                           | int,long (Py_ssize_t)                | int (Py_ssize_t)
      | int (PyInt)                     | int (PyLong)                    | void*                           | int,long (Py_ssize_t)                | int (Py_ssize_t)
      | long (PyLong)                   | -                               | void*                           | int,long (Py_ssize_t)                | int (Py_ssize_t)
  'Z' | str (PyString)                ! | str (PyUnicode)               ! | const char* (UTF-8 for unicode) | int (PyString)                       | str (PyUnicode)
      | unicode (PyUnicode)           ! | -                               | const char* (UTF-8 for unicode) | int (PyString)                       | str (PyUnicode)
      | -                               | bytes (PyBytes)               ! | const char* (UTF-8 for unicode) | int (PyString)                       | str (PyUnicode)
      | bytearray (PyByteArray)       ! | bytearray (PyByteArray)       ! | const char* (UTF-8 for unicode) | int (PyString)                       | str (PyUnicode)

  # converted to 1 if True and 0 otherwise
  @ converted to False if 0 and True otherwise
  % range/length checked
  $ cast to single precision
  ^ cast to double precision
  & mutable buffer when passed to C
  ! immutable buffer when passed to C, as strings (in any form) are considered objects, not buffers

  Also supported are specifying calling convention switches using '_'-prefixed
  signature characters:

  '_' | prefix indicating that next signature character specifies calling convention; char is one of the following
  ':' | platform's default calling convention
  'e' | vararg function
  '.' | vararg function's variadic/ellipsis part (...), to be specified before first vararg
  'c' | only on x86: cdecl
  's' | only on x86: stdcall
  'F' | only on x86: fastcall (MS)
  'f' | only on x86: fastcall (GNU)
  '+' | only on x86: thiscall (MS)
  '#' | only on x86: thiscall (GNU)
  'A' | only on ARM: ARM mode
  'a' | only on ARM: THUMB mode
  '$' | syscall


- callback support


- when using Python 2, the dyncall call vm object is never dcFree'd, as there
  is no way to call a "freefunc" as introduced with Python 3 module definitions
  (see PEP 3121 for details)