diff lua/luadyncall/src/dyntype.lua @ 0:0cfcc391201f

initial from svn dyncall-1745
author Daniel Adler
date Thu, 19 Mar 2015 22:26:28 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lua/luadyncall/src/dyntype.lua	Thu Mar 19 22:26:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+require "ldyntype"
+-- utilities
+local function align(x, align)
+  return math.floor( ( x + (align-1) ) / align ) * align
+-- typeinfo table constructors
+function typeinfo_base(signature, size, align)
+  return { name = signature, signature = signature, class = "base", size = size, align = align } 
+function typeinfo_ptr(signature, basetypeinfo, ptrlevels)
+  return { name = signature, signature = signature, class = "ptr", basetypeinfo = basetypeinfo, ptrlevels = ptrlevels, size = _TI.p.size, align = _TI.p.align }
+function typeinfo_struct(name, signature, size, align, fields)
+  return { name = name, signature = signature, class = "struct" , size = size, align = align , fields = fields }
+local function istypeinfo(typespec)
+  return type(typespec) == "table"
+function typeinfo_tostring(typename)
+  local ti = gettypeinfo(typename)
+  local s = ti.name .. "\tsize=" .. ti.size .. "\talign=" .. ti.align 
+  if ti.basetypeinfo then
+    local baseti = gettypeinfo(ti.basetypeinfo)
+    if baseti.name then
+      s = s .. "\tbase=" .. baseti.name
+    else
+      s = s .. "\tbase=" .. baseti
+    end
+  end
+  if ti.fields then
+    for k, v in pairs(ti.fields) do
+      s = s .. "\n- "..k .. ":\toffset=" .. v.offset 
+    end
+  end
+  return s
+-- typeinfo registry
+_TI = { } 
+function settypeinfo(name,info)
+  _TI[name] = info
+function gettypeinfo(typespec)
+  if istypeinfo(typespec) then return typespec end
+  local typeinfo = _TI[typespec]
+  if not typeinfo then -- pointer type ?
+    local ptrs, basename = typespec:match("(%**)<(%a+)>")
+    if ptrs and basename then -- pointer type signature:
+      typeinfo = typeinfo_ptr( typespec, gettypeinfo(basename), #ptrs)
+      settypeinfo(typespec, typeinfo)
+    end -- else, typespec remains a string (unknown type)
+  end
+  return typeinfo
+function dumptypeinfos()
+  for k,v in pairs(_TI) do
+    print(typeinfo_tostring(v))
+  end
+function dumptypeinfo(x)
+  print(typeinfo_tostring(x))
+local function regbasetypes()
+  local sigs = "BcCsSiIjJlLpZ"
+  for typechar in sigs:gmatch(".") do
+    settypeinfo(typechar, typeinfo_base( typechar, ldyntype.dtSize(typechar), ldyntype.dtAlign(typechar) ) )
+  end
+function regstructinfo(structsignature)
+  local name, typeclass, signature, fieldnames = structsignature:match("(%a+)([{|])(.+)%}(.+)")
+  if name and type and signature then
+    local offset   = 0
+    local maxalign = 0
+    local maxsize  = 0
+    local fields   = { }
+    local fieldname = signature:gmatch("(%S+)")
+    for typespec, fieldname in signature:gmatch("(%S)") do
+      local typeinfo = gettypeinfo(typespec)
+      offset = align(offset, typeinfo.align)
+      maxalign = math.max(typeinfo.align,maxalign)
+      maxsize  = math.max(typeinfo.size, maxsize)
+      fields[fieldname] = { offset = offset, typeinfo = typeinfo }
+      if typeclass == "{" then -- structure
+        offset = offset + typeinfo.size
+      end
+    end
+    local structsize
+    if typeclass == "|" then
+      structsize = maxsize
+    else
+      structsize = offset
+    end
+    settypeinfo(name, typeinfo_struct(name, signature, structsize, maxalign, fields) )
+  end
+function regstructinfo_backup(structsignature)
+  local name, typeclass, signature = structsignature:match("(%a+)([{|])(.+)%}")
+  if name and type and signature then
+    local offset   = 0
+    local maxalign = 0
+    local maxsize  = 0
+    local fields   = { }
+    for typespec, fieldname in signature:gmatch("(%S+)%s+(%S+)") do
+      local typeinfo = gettypeinfo(typespec)
+      offset = align(offset, typeinfo.align)
+      maxalign = math.max(typeinfo.align,maxalign)
+      maxsize  = math.max(typeinfo.size, maxsize)
+      fields[fieldname] = { offset = offset, typeinfo = typeinfo }
+      if typeclass == "{" then -- structure
+        offset = offset + typeinfo.size
+      end
+    end
+    local structsize
+    if typeclass == "|" then
+      structsize = maxsize
+    else
+      structsize = offset
+    end
+    settypeinfo(name, typeinfo_struct(name, signature, structsize, maxalign, fields) )
+  end
+function parsebasetypes(basetypesignature)
+  for type,size,align in basetypesignature:gmatch("(%a+)%s+(%d)%s+(%d)%s*") do
+    settypeinfo(type, {signature=type,base=type,class="storage",size=size,align=align})
+  end
+-- initialize typeinfo registry