diff lua/luadyncall/src/dynport.lua @ 0:0cfcc391201f

initial from svn dyncall-1745
author Daniel Adler
date Thu, 19 Mar 2015 22:26:28 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lua/luadyncall/src/dynport.lua	Thu Mar 19 22:26:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+require "dynload"
+require "dyncall"
+require "path"
+local function makewrapper(addr, signature)
+  return function(...) return dyncall(addr, signature, ...) end
+loaded = { }
+--- The dynport path is initialized by LDP_PATH environment.
+-- @usage Defaults to dynport_syspath.
+dynport_path = pathinit("LDP_PATH","?.dynport;/usr/local/share/dynport/?.dynport;/opt/local/share/dynport/?.dynport")
+local function find(name)
+  return pathfind( dynport_path, name, io.open )
+local LDP_PATH = "?.dynport;/usr/local/share/dynport/?.dynport;/opt/local/share/dynport/?.dynport"
+local path = os.getenv("LDP_PATH") or LDP_PATH
+local function find(name)  
+  local replaced = path:gsub("?", name)
+  local f = nil
+  local hist = {}
+  for filename in replaced:gmatch("([^;]+)") do
+    f = io.open(filename)
+    if f then break else
+      table.insert(hist, "\tno file '")
+      table.insert(hist, filename)
+      table.insert(hist, "'\n")
+    end
+  end
+  if f then
+    return f
+  else
+    error("dynport '"..name.."' not found:\n"..table.concat(hist), 3)
+  end
+--- Process dynport files.
+-- Files will be opened and processed according to the dynport format.
+-- Function wrappers and constants will be installed.
+-- Structure/Union type information have not been implemented yet.
+-- @param name dynport name to lookup. 
+-- @unit table to use for import.
+-- @field _dynport_libs contains.
+-- @return unit table with imports.
+function dynport_NEW(portname, t)
+  local t = t or _G
+  local port = loaded[portname]
+  if port then return port end
+  local file, errmsg = searchpath(portname, path)
+  if not file then error(errmsg) end
+function dynportImport(name, unit)
+  local file = find(name)
+  if not unit._dynport_libs then
+    unit._dynport_libs = { }
+  end
+  local cached = unit._dynport_libs[name]
+  if cached then return unit end
+  if not file then
+    error("dynport "..name.. " not found")
+  end
+  local iter = file:lines()
+  local libs = { }
+  function dolib()
+    local libnames = ""
+    for line in iter do
+      if line == "." then break end
+      libnames = line
+    end
+    libs[#libs+1] = dynload(libnames)
+  end
+  function dofun()
+    local index = 1
+    local unresolved = {}
+    for line in iter do
+      if line == "." then break end
+      local pos       = line:find("[(]")
+      local symbol    = line:sub(1, pos-1)
+      local stop      = line:find("[;]", pos+1)
+      local signature = line:sub(pos+1,stop-1)
+      local addr      = dynsym(libs[#libs], symbol)
+      if type(addr) == "userdata" then
+        rawset(unit, symbol, makewrapper(addr, signature) )
+        -- module[symbol] = makewrapper(addr, signature)
+      else
+        unresolved[#unresolved] = symbol
+      end
+    end
+    if #unresolved ~= 0 then
+      print("unresolved symbols:")
+      print(table.concat(unresolved,"\n"))
+    end
+  end
+  function doconst() 
+    for line in iter do
+      if line == "." then break end
+      local pos = line:find("=")
+      local key = line:sub(1, pos-1)
+      local value = line:sub(pos+1)
+      -- module[key] = tonumber(value)
+      rawset( unit, key, tonumber(value) )
+    end
+  end
+  function dostruct()
+    for line in iter do
+      if line == "." then break end
+    end
+  end
+  function dounion()
+    for line in iter do
+      if line == "." then break end
+    end
+  end
+  for line in iter do
+    if line == "." then break 
+    elseif line == ":lib" then dolib() 
+    elseif line == ":fun" then dofun() 
+    elseif line == ":const" then doconst() 
+    elseif line == ":struct" then dostruct()
+    elseif line == ":union" then dounion()
+    end
+  end
+  unit._dynport_libs[name] = libs
+  return unit
+--- Dynamic bind C library Interfaces.
+-- @param name dynport name which will be searched by
+function dynport(portname)
+  return dynportImport(portname, _G)