+ − 1 \name{packing}
+ − 2 \alias{.pack}
+ − 3 \alias{packing}
+ − 4 \alias{.unpack}
+ − 5 \title{Handling of foreign C fundamental data types}
+ − 6 \description{Functions to unpack/pack (read/write) foreign C data types from/to R atomic vectors and C data objects such as arrays and pointers to structures.}
+ − 7 \usage{
+ − 8 .pack(x, offset, sigchar, value)
+ − 9 .unpack(x, offset, sigchar)
+ − 10 }
+ − 11 \arguments{
+ − 12 \item{x}{atomic vector (logical, raw, integer or double) or external pointer.}
+ − 13 \item{offset}{integer specifying \emph{byte offset} starting at 0.}
+ − 14 \item{sigchar}{character string specifying the C data type by a \link{type signature}.}
+ − 15 \item{value}{R object value to be coerced and packed to a foreign C data type.}
+ − 16 }
+ − 17 \details{
+ − 18 The function \code{.pack} converts an R \code{value} into a C data type specified by the \link{signature} \code{sigchar}
+ − 19 and it writes the raw C foreign data value at byte position \code{offset} into the object \code{x}.
+ − 20 The function \code{.unpack} extracts a C data type according to the \link{signature} \code{sigchar}
+ − 21 at byte position \code{offset} from the object \code{x} and converts the C value to an R value and returns it.
+ − 22
+ − 23 Byte \code{offset} calculations start at 0 relative to the first byte in an atomic vectors data area.
+ − 24
+ − 25 If \code{x} is an atomic vector, a bound check is carried out before read/write access.
+ − 26 Otherwise, if \code{x} is an external pointer, there is only a C NULL pointer check.
+ − 27 }
+ − 28 \value{
+ − 29 \code{.unpack} returns a read C data type coerced to an R value.
+ − 30 }
+ − 31 \seealso{
+ − 32 \code{\link{.dyncall}} for details on type signatures.
+ − 33 }
+ − 34 \examples{
+ − 35 # transfer double to array of floats and back, compare precision:
+ − 36 n <- 6
+ − 37 input <- rnorm(n)
+ − 38 buf <- raw(n*4)
+ − 39 for (i in 1:n) {
+ − 40 .pack(buf, 4*(i-1), "f", input[i])
+ − 41 }
+ − 42 output <- numeric(n)
+ − 43 for (i in 1:n) {
+ − 44 output[i] <- .unpack(buf, 4*(i-1), "f")
+ − 45 }
+ − 46 # difference between double and float
+ − 47 difference <- output-input
+ − 48 print( cbind(input,output,difference) )
+ − 49 }