+ − 1 #from dynload test
+ − 2 ## path to default libc.so file, easier to do via shell than in code (see main() in dynload_plain.c)
+ − 3 ## for compat: first gmake style, then assignment op which will use ! as part of var name on gmake<4
+ − 4 ## and thus not override previously set var
+ − 5 #DEF_C_DYLIB=$(shell ((ldd `which ls` | grep -o '/.*/libc.so[^ ]*' || ls /lib*/libc.so* || ls /usr/lib/libc.so*) | grep -v '\.a$$' | (sort -V -r || sort -t . -n -k 2)) 2>/dev/null | head -1)
+ − 6 #DEF_C_DYLIB!=((ldd `which ls` | grep -o '/.*/libc.so[^ ]*' || ls /lib*/libc.so* || ls /usr/lib/libc.so*) | grep -v '\.a$$' | (sort -V -r || sort -t . -n -k 2)) 2>/dev/null | head -1
+ − 7 #
+ − 8 #APP = dynload_plain
+ − 9 #OBJS = dynload_plain.o
+ − 10 #TEST_U8_SO = dynload_plain_ß_test # @@@ unsure if every platform handles ß, here (ANSI, UTF-8, ...)
+ − 11 #SRCTOP = ${VPATH}/../..
+ − 12 #BLDTOP = ../..
+ − 13 #CFLAGS += -I${SRCTOP}/dynload -DDEF_C_DYLIB=\"${DEF_C_DYLIB}\"
+ − 14 #LDLIBS_D += -L${BLDTOP}/dynload -ldynload_s
+ − 15 #
+ − 16 ## Works on: Darwin, NetBSD.
+ − 17 # Linux: add '-ldl'
+ − 18 #.PHONY: all clean install
+ − 19 #all: ${APP} ${TEST_U8_SO}
+ − 20 #${APP}: ${OBJS}
+ − 21 # ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${OBJS} ${LDLIBS_D} ${LDLIBS} -o ${APP}
+ − 22 #${TEST_U8_SO}:
+ − 23 # echo 'int dynload_plain_testfunc() { return 5; }' | ${CC} -`[ \`uname\` = Darwin ] && echo dynamiclib || echo shared` -x c - -o ${TEST_U8_SO}
+ − 24 #clean:
+ − 25 # rm -f ${APP} ${OBJS} ${TEST_U8_SO}
+ − 26 #install:
+ − 27 # mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/test
+ − 28 # cp ${APP} ${TEST_U8_SO} ${PREFIX}/test
+ − 29
+ − 30 .PHONY: test.so
+ − 31
+ − 32 test.so:
+ − 33 for i in char 'unsigned char' short 'unsigned short' int 'unsigned int' long 'unsigned long' 'long long' 'unsigned long long' float double 'const char*'; do \
+ − 34 echo "$$i `echo $$i | sed -E 's/(^| )([a-z])[^ ]*/\2/g'`_plus_one($$i v) { return v+1; }"; \
+ − 35 done | ${CC} -`[ \`uname\` = Darwin ] && echo dynamiclib || echo shared` -x c - -o $@
+ − 36 echo Done! Now you can run types.py
+ − 37